Newbie to TomTom: installed overseas map, how can I check it works?

Sep 20, 2010
:confused:Hi and thanks for reading hope you can help.

I have a Tomtom go750 with Australia map. Will be going to US and got the free map deal and followed instructions and downloaded map onto SD card.

Windows explorer can see Australia map on internal and North America on external (SD card).

I just want to make sure that the Nth America map works, it is too late for support when I get to the US.

I had a look at posts but can't see too much that helps.

I tried "prepare Route" - then Lat/long and input Nth America GPS location but comes up saying no usable locations near cursor. Is there any other way to tell that the Nth America map works?

Can anyone please help.
Have you used Manage Maps-->Switch maps and set it to the USA?

If so, you can't use Navigate to while still in Oz but you CAN do Advance Planning.

For example, set starting position as California (make sure you have the Californaial flag, not US, selected for State) and city centre of Los Angeles. Select a final destination of city centre of San Francisco.

See if that works.
Once the map selection is switched via "Manage Maps" or whatever the 750 calls it, it's also possible to do a Browse Map / Find / POI or addresses or whatever and scroll around to see what's in the area.

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