New Satellite Launch scheduled

Yes, that's the second launch of a (delayed) next-gen GPSII sat. I had the pleasure of covering the first one as a "roving editor" for PocketGPSWorld. A truly unique experience. :thumb:
Its useless to send any satellite or buy any GPS now cuz lightsquared will make them useless.

I think I read on an aviation website that Lightsquared's proposal was rejected for just the reason of satellite interference.
Its useless to send any satellite or buy any GPS now cuz lightsquared will make them useless.
Per the 'final' report, the testing was a train wreck, and LS is going to have to come up with Plan B. I wouldn't worry about your GPS just yet. If you're interested in a long running thread on this topic that even includes posts with links to the history, financial, technical issues and FCC paperwork surrounding this fiasco, I recommend the one at located here: The FCC is about to make a decision that will affect the use of GPS all across the US, ours as well as others. - Groundspeak Forums
Aviation gurus have been warning us about that system for some time and its inherent danger.
BTW the new satellite was launched today. Not sure when it will go on line.

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