Live 120 constantly rebooting

Feb 26, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom via Live 120
I updated my Live 120 yesterday afternoon and all seemed well. I tried it today and it kept constantly trying to re-boot.
I let it continue to reboot before I got a message saying that it needed connecting to the computer for TomTom to download data on my journeys, which I accepted.
I've connected to the computer at home via My TomTom and same old story - it downloaded ok but has persisted in trying to reboot. What do I need to do ?:confused:
Tried rebooting by holding the power button about 10 seconds till the drum sounds?
Many thanks for your reply - I did try this and sure enough it has got into the system and I now have a map showing. I have connected to the computer as it requetsed me to do and I've left it running overnight but this morning in my TomTom it still says that it is busy and I should keep it connected. It's been running for around 11 hours now - surely that can't be normal......
Try deleting "mapsettings.cfg" from your device's map folder, click on the "Dissconect" in TTHome(2?) and reboot your device.
The file system is not visible on these new units (neither do they use TomTom HOME), so the OP would be unable to do that.
I've left it running overnight but this morning in my TomTom it still says that it is busy and I should keep it connected. It's been running for around 11 hours now - surely that can't be normal......

I have that issue with one of my new models too.
However long I leave it, it still says "Busy... keep connected".

I have to ignore it and physically disconnect the device, accept all the moaning from MyTomTom about interrupting it, and then I find when I reconnect a while later it seems to kick-start the process and it finishes whatever it was trying to do in a few seconds.

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