iPhone App on sale till Monday

Mar 9, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom 930
If you've been on the fence about trying TomTom's iPhone nav solution, but felt it was just a little too expensive, here's your chance. TomTom is offering 30% off thru Monday Nov. 30th, joining Co-pilot and Navigon with Black Friday deals for the iPhone. This is the first time TomTom has offered a discount for their mobile app, so don't pass this one by if you've been waffling. Just visit the iTunes store. North America only.
Last to the dance?

So does TomTom just wait until EVERYONE else takes all the glory before deciding to do anything? I mean come ON, Navigon went on sale days ago, and as luck would have it, when being completely undecided between the two, it came down to price. I bought Navigon + traffic for less than TomTom's app. I wish they were a little quicker on the ball about taking this whole iPhone thing seriously because if TomTom were on sale a few days ago, I would have bought it instead. I'm NOT impressed with Navigon so far. This is my first exposure to Navigation apps other than Google Maps and I think Google Maps beats Navigon hands down. It's only downside is relying on AT&T's network for data to deliver the maps.

I did pick up the TomTom car kit today at the Apple store though. Way too expensive but it is the nicest mount out there.

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