I Need to replace my TomTom Europe 1 XL 4N00.005

Jun 28, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Tom Tom One XL 4N00.005
I like to run my TomToms from the SD card as this way I can have all my POIs on one card and if the Tom Tom dies it's not all lost.

I did have two , but one was recently stolen and I'd like to replace it with a newer model, but it Must be able to run from the SD card when inserted.

Some have advised that all the new models do have this facility, but it's not true, they only have the SD slot to expand the memory, not to run from.

Can anyone please make any suggestions for the replacement model, as although the models I have is enough for my needs they are getting a little long in the tooth, and of course the insurance company will be getting it on my behalf so no models with silly prices, I just want to be back to where I was before it was stolen, excepting if the only way is by way of a better model, not just for the sake of it.

I would very much like to stay with Tom Tom, but if it's the only to keep my functionality, then any other which uses OV2 etc

Oh yeah it needs to be a Tom Tom Europe version.

It is correct that most of the newer slots do have a sd card for extra maps but the application still is on internal and that's where the unit boots from. However, you CAN upload custom ov2 files to the unit AND copy them to the computer, so you still have them.

That said, the, go to the tomtom uk site, look at navigation devices, look at the specs (including price, of course) to see which one or ones fit your needs.
It is correct that most of the newer slots do have a sd card for extra maps but the application still is on internal and that's where the unit boots from. However, you CAN upload custom ov2 files to the unit AND copy them to the computer, so you still have them.

That said, the, go to the tomtom uk site, look at navigation devices, look at the specs (including price, of course) to see which one or ones fit your needs.

Thanks but that doesn't really help me, I want a Tom Tom which will boot from the SD card, any that don't are of no use to me, surely Tom Tom have not disposed of this very valuable facility for every model, if so I'll be forced to buy used.

As for looking at specs, I cannot see any that refer to booting from the SD card, is there a phrase which describes that.

You will definitely need an older model. Look for a used 930 or 730 model for example.
Thank you for the replies, but I feel I've not got across what I need, which is really very simple.

I want to boot from the SD card, and when needed take it out and use it to boot from in another Tom Tom, I do not want to up or download with it, I want to use a single SD card with two tom tom units, swapping a unit from one vehicle to another is not feasible as one is fixed in position, and cannot easily be taken out, and the other stays in the car as it's always needed there.

Imagine you are a courier with thousands of POIs and you have two vans with fixed sat navs, but both will boot from the SD card, but those POIs are being updated almost by the hour as new destinations are input and stored as a POI once reached, this is what I used to do and the system worked effectively, as all I needed to do was to take the SD card from van to van.

The situation is now that one is in a camper and the other is in the car, and when out in the car I see places I want to visit in the camper, so save them the the card, and put the card in the camper sat nav job done.

Occasionally backing up the card to an ancient laptop which lives in the camper.

The only way to be absolutely sure it does boot only from the SD card is to remove a single POI from either the card or the unit, and once booted either with or without the SD present it either is or isn't there any more.

Quite why Tom Tom has reduced the functionality is beyond me as is their lack of knowledge when contacted by phone.
Strange, there's a remarkably similar topic running on the PGPSW forum... even down to:
As for looking at specs, I cannot see any that refer to booting from the SD card, is there a phrase which describes that.
I couldn't see where it confirms that they can run from the SD card....
Is there a techy phrase to describe what I'm looking for.]
I'm intrigued how you have been managing to use the SAME SD card in two different units though. As you may know, TomTom maps are normally locked to one particular hardware unit.
That is unless the map was bought on an SD card, in which case it's locked to the card.... and I didn't think those cards had the operating system software on them as well, so the unit wouldn't be booting from the card, just using the map on it.

What you need MAY be very simple, but the fact remains not recent TomTom model will work in precisely the way you are asking.

However, if the new models are capable of working with purchased map cards (rather than downloaded maps), - and I've never seen that confirmed anywhere, then any of the new models with an SD card slot and a purchased map card would do what you want.
Strange, there's a remarkably similar topic running on the PGPSW forum... even down to:
As for looking at specs, I cannot see any that refer to booting from the SD card, is there a phrase which describes that.
I couldn't see where it confirms that they can run from the SD card....
Is there a techy phrase to describe what I'm looking for.]
I'm intrigued how you have been managing to use the SAME SD card in two different units though. As you may know, TomTom maps are normally locked to one particular hardware unit.
That is unless the map was bought on an SD card, in which case it's locked to the card.... and I didn't think those cards had the operating system software on them as well, so the unit wouldn't be booting from the card, just using the map on it.

What you need MAY be very simple, but the fact remains not recent TomTom model will work in precisely the way you are asking.

However, if the new models are capable of working with purchased map cards (rather than downloaded maps), - and I've never seen that confirmed anywhere, then any of the new models with an SD card slot and a purchased map card would do what you want.

There's a good reason for that Andy :) :)

The card goes from one unit to the other with no problems at all, Some one somewhere maybe even you said all I need to do was get 2 cards, make back ups of each unit onto them, then format the units, and run from the cards, I just chose to run from one card and the other is laying around somewhere unused.

All quite simple really, you just need to know what you're doing mate, stick with me kiddo, :roll: :roll:as you know, I do not have a clue and couldn't afford one, I just did as I was advised, if you look through my old posts you'll see just how much I don't know.

Thanks again Andy.
Well I'm amazed... You seem to have inadvertently hacked/bypassed all of TomTom's anti-map-piracy systems without even realising it !
I should have added I suppose that it all went awry a few times and I think I probably just deleted the "correct" file which stops it doing what I did, I seem to remember that one of the cards had a problem and chkdsk may have made it smaller, I do remember deleting some files which didn't seem to do anything, but I can't now remember which ones as it's a long time ago now, not long after I joined the other site, that might even be where I got the info to do it anyway.
In which case, do be aware that whatever model you buy (new or old), it may well not work (and really SHOULDN'T work) with your existing card, for all the reasons above, and no reputable forum is going to be able to help you make it work.
I'm OK with that, although all this chasing around trying find a compatible unit has been in vain, if I'd known it couldn't be done I wouldn't have posted the question originally.

So what's the nearest to getting what I was after going to entail.

Do you meant to tell me there are forums dedicated to messing around with Tom Toms, The lengths people will go to to get something free.

I do have to say though that I do have legitimate access to European maps, it's just that the unit it belongs to has been nicked, and any other software wouldn't have this issue if I wasn't trying to use it on another machine, so I consider it a bit restrictive and not really very fair of Tom Tom to work this way, I have already paid for it once.
From TT's point of view, they don't want people with ten TomToms buying ONE map and putting it onto all ten.

But if a unit has been nicked, then TT Customer Services are usually very fair and will reassign an already purchased map or map subscription to a new unit if you explain it has been stolen and supply them with evidence of the replacement unit (usually scans of the purchase invoice).
It a shame that I cannot pronounce my Fs or THs, as I can't say fairer then that then :) :D

It's also a shame that I cannot pick up the phone and speak to someone at Tom Tom in this country anymore, even if I could find the number again, but that's life.
UK number is 0845 161 0009, but I think it has always routed to a call centre in Holland.
Yeah, that's the number I rang the other day Andy, I could barely understand the girl I spoke to, and it was her who's recommendations I posted before.

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