How to RE-enable Bluetooth once DE-activated

Mar 20, 2007
Hey y'all.....I need some help quicklly if possible. My TT700Go has the "Traffic Feature" here in the US, however about 3 weeks ago, I DIS-abled the "Bluetooth" feature on the TT. Now you can see my problem.....with "Bluetooth" disabled, I can't download the updated info for the "Traffic"

Is there ANYONE out there that can help me turn the Bluetooth feature back ON to my TT700GO? (and yes the phone's Bluetooth Capable. Motorola RAZR's are compatible, so I've tried that) I KNOW that someone else's run into this problem before. I disabled it because of my Cellular phone. It would automatically answer an incoming call in 2 seconds, yet won't work in the Traffic Feature.

Upon calling TT, I was informed that the $40 we just spent on the traffic feature was unnecessary. According to Tech Supporrt, Traffic in the US for my model is FREE. That'd be REALLY nice if I could get it to work for me. Someone PLEASE help me! :confused: :confused: :confused:
Well, if you want to know how to "enable" bluetooth, you should have an option in Main Menu>Change Preferences>Enable Bluetooth, and then Enable Wireless Data.

Is that what you mean? or are you having trouble connecting the phone with the TT unit?
Thanks D F. Sorry for being such a newbie to this but I AM learning!!! Actually learning a lot from reading these forums. I know that I wouldn't take ANYTHING for my GO700. I'm really digging it and friends are marveled at it's accuracy. :) :) :)

Again......Thanks D F
Thanks D F. Sorry for being such a newbie to this but I AM learning!!! Actually learning a lot from reading these forums. I know that I wouldn't take ANYTHING for my GO700. I'm really digging it and friends are marveled at it's accuracy. :) :) :)

Again......Thanks D F

No problem. I was just trying to make sure I understood your problem. I assume the advice helped?
Yes it did DF more than you know. I DO have one more question for you if I may.....Now I know that the "Traffic" feature works off of the GPRS portion of my phone. Obviously that REALLY racks up the minutes on my cellphone. Is there a feature that once the information for "Traffic" is downloaded, is there a way for the GPRS to Disconnect until requested for an update once again or does it STAY connected? :confused: :confused: :confused:
I believe there is no option to disconnect after downloading a traffic update. However, you can specify the time between updates. I believe the default is 15 minutes but you can changed that.

That is done through Main Menu>TomTom Traffic>Change Traffic Preferences.

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