How to create a new custom POI category/file, from scratch?

Dec 16, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
Well I've looked around and saw how to install custom POIs, POI alerts, correct existing POIs and such. But I'd like to create, from scratch, my own custom POI file. I have a couple of ideas for restaurants that I haven't seen here yet and copied the addresses into a spreadsheet, I know enough that the spreadsheet has to be in text .CSV format but that's about it. What about field/header names? Lat, long formats? ie what's the data/field structure of the file? And how do I convert it to .OV2 format?

I tried playing with the POIEdit program and was utterly unsuccessful with that. :mad: So right now all I have is a spreadsheet file with the addresses.

you can do it one at a time via the manage you POI's on the menu
You can try the application: MyPOI - just google it.

If you want to make a POI manually, then obtain the address with their official website. You can use this to obtain the cordinates from address.
The .CSV file should have 3 columns: the first two needs to be the cordniates and the last the POI description.

Use POIedit to convert the .csv file to .ov2 and your done.

Sorry this is a simple write up. If you search on the forum, I went into specific detail how to do this.
Thanks but I'm too lazy to do it one at a time :rolleyes:

Pedro, that site helped out and I did see where the format is long, lat, description. I guess what I needed was an explanation of how the description field works.

From poking around I did see that using the symbol >+ is the phone field separator so that whatever appears after >+ is displayed on the TomTom's screen as the POI phone number.
Editing POI categories

Well I've looked around and saw how to install custom POIs, POI alerts, correct existing POIs and such. But I'd like to create, from scratch, my own custom POI file.

I tried playing with the POIEdit program and was utterly unsuccessful with that. :mad: So right now all I have is a spreadsheet file with the addresses.

I am scared to try the POIEdit program too. But, I have a related question, is it possible to edit a POI category once you create it? The only option that I see is to add a category, or delete one. If I go to edit, it only lets me edit POIs not categories. What am I missing.


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