help! paid for subscription but not available in home to download

Jun 17, 2009
can someone help please
i purchased TomTom Safety Cameras - 1 year subscription on the 29th of may .i have my receipt in pdf format from tomtom confirming the purchase .

my problem is that it is not showing in tomtom home as available for download ??

i have emailed them several times ..i get a response saying they will be back in touch within 48 hours ..but they don't get in touch ..:(
i can never get a reply by phone :mad:

can anyone suggest what else i should do please :) or tell me if i am doing something wrong ..i also purchased the newest version of uk . ireland and western europe maps ..i was able to download them immediately :confused:

Hi Debbie, have you tried to configure the warnings for the Safety Cameras using TomTom Plus Services/ Safety Cameras on the device?

If this doesn't work then I would lodge a call with the UK support number in the morning using 0845 161 0009 and see why the service you have paid for isn't active on your account, once added to your details the update should be easy (although I wouldn't trust it for accuracy relative to speed cameras, if you value your driving licence) - Mike
hi mike
thanks for your reply ..

yes i have tried that's just not there ...

i have rung again this morning ....i keep getting a message to say they are busy try again later and then they play me MUSIC :mad: they say to email them ..i have done that every day ...still nothing..

this has been going on since the 30th of may ...:eek:

NEVER have i come across such poor customer services :(

is there another number i can try :confused:

I had something similar with fuel services. Go to preferences -> my tomtom account (on the Tomtom)

It will re-ask for your Tomtom HOME email and password. That re-login activated my fuel subscription, it may activate your safety camera one.

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