HD Traffic - IPhone - in Canada

Mar 5, 2011
Calgary Alberta, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
IPhone App
Hi All;

I bought the TomTom IPhone app sometime ago and have asked about Live Traffic being available for Canada (specifically Calgary) ever since.

In ITunes, the app info says HD Traffic available in the USA and Canada, but when you go to purchase .... "only available in the USA"

Can anyone advise 1) if it is available or not, 2) if not, why and 3) when

Thanks in advance.
There are LIVE services including Canada (Rogers network). The Go 1535 LIVE model just announced last month has Live traffic & other services. But, if you go to the Canadian website that gives information about the LIVE services, you'll see that it too says only available in the USA. See here:

I've mentioned the error directly to contacts at TomTom weeks ago but changes have not been made to the web site........yet.

So, it may be the same information that is incorrect about Live Services associated with the IPhone app. I suspect if you call CS (for TomTom) at 866-486-6866, they may know the correct information. Or, they may say it's an Itunes problem. Is there a contact number for them you can call & confirm?
Thanks D;

I actually had called TomTom and you are correct, they said that it was an Apple iTunes issue.
Then, I called Apple who said that it was a TomTom issue as it was not their (Apple's) app. Which in my mind makes sense assuming TomTom feeds the information for content of the description of the app.

Would be nice to know one way or the other if this is coming or not.


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