english voice

Jun 14, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
VIA 125
hello, i just got the Tomtom Via 125 as a gift from somebody in Austria,the problem i have is that it doesn t have eglish voice on it,it only has german,and it s preety annoing,can somebody help me install english voice...
Welcome to TTF.

Unfortunately, forums are filled with posts by others in a similar situation; namely, a Via model bought in one country not having the availability of voices, computer or recorded, in another language.

You can try in the Settings-->Change Language (look for the icon with flags) and try setting to Eng_UK. Then, in voices, see if any English voices are available.
thanks for your informations still no luck with the english voice :(...is the company going to do anything about this problem or i m gonna be stuck with german for ever?
Where are you based, bogdan318d?

If you are in Europe, you should be able to add English "real" voices using MyTomTom, so long as you can source them from another TomTom or TomTom owner.

Text to Speech voices are still not downloadable to the new models yet.
Looks like Romania.
To ask a question above in another way...

Were you trying to obtain an English 'computer' voice (one that speaks the street names) or just one of the recorded directional voices that knows words like "turn", some distances, and directions?

You should be able to get one of those latter voice types from someone else with a late model TomTom. They could 'back up' their voice with MyTomTom and you could load that file to your unit with MyTomTom. Stupid that TomTom can't just set one up for you to download, but it appears that their site isn't up to speed as yet.

If it's the former (text to speech) voice that you need ... one wonders if it is possible for TomTom's tech support to push you a full file load of the base firmware that included the voices for the English units. I'd say it's worth a call, but because there's no toll free way to do it from Romania, could be you'd be better off trying email. It's slower, but at least you'd get a response. It's a shame they made such a mess of this by locking the units down the way they have. In the 'old days', we could have had you up and running in no time.
To ask a question above in another way...

Were you trying to obtain an English 'computer' voice (one that speaks the street names) or just one of the recorded directional voices that knows words like "turn", some distances, and directions?

You should be able to get one of those latter voice types from someone else with a late model TomTom. They could 'back up' their voice with MyTomTom and you could load that file to your unit with MyTomTom. Stupid that TomTom can't just set one up for you to download, but it appears that their site isn't up to speed as yet.

If it's the former (text to speech) voice that you need ... one wonders if it is possible for TomTom's tech support to push you a full file load of the base firmware that included the voices for the English units. I'd say it's worth a call, but because there's no toll free way to do it from Romania, could be you'd be better off trying email. It's slower, but at least you'd get a response. It's a shame they made such a mess of this by locking the units down the way they have. In the 'old days', we could have had you up and running in no time.

hi, i ve emailed them about my problem and they replied saying,they re sorry for the inconvenience and they re working on a way to solve this,meanwhile they suggested me to reset my device and then connect it to mytomtom for updates...i ll try that and see what comes on.thks again
The same here


I also bought a Via 125 from Austria. The guy in the store told me it can speak in any language..... in the end any language was german...
After persistently writing to TomTom customer care in about 10 days it turned out that one day in the future there will be a solution.
And I was recommended these devices.... start feeling sorry about my purchase...
See here for the latest on the status of installing voices and other items on MyTomtom devices. We try to compile and consolidate any information that Tomtom publishes on press releases and/or various web forums.

You can already manually install non-licensed recorded voices in any language.

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