Does anyone know of user mods and patches available for TomToms?

Jan 18, 2010
I find that while the TomTom has some great features, some features (like the auto-zoom when not at turns) are dealbreakers.

Does anyone know of sites where users have made modifications and patches to fix the problems?

Since some of these problems would be EASY fixes, for someone who knows how to program the TomTom GUI, you would think mods would be available.
You can follow the steps here to create custom menus. Sometimes, you can enable new features by adding a missing menu command, other times unsupported features just crash the Tomtom.

Also, if you are well versed in Linux, there's a wealth of customization info at
tomtom recovery cd !!!

i'm just wondering why tomtom does not provide a recovery cd with the gps device, problems happen and sometimes no way to bring things working back.
As long as a backup of the supplied map folder is taken everything else can be downloaded for free from the TomTom servers so there is little point in creating a DVD to supply with the device that would contain out of date software before it left the shelf in the shop.
As the map folder contains an activation code that is specific to the device it is supplied loaded to, any DVD supplied with the unit would be generic and not contain the device specific file - Mike
Let's Mod this Baby......

I think the OP "spiritX" wanted to know if someone had attempted to mod some "undesirable" features as removing the auto return to zoom-in view after a hard-wire time delay. Until TomTom gets around to it..I might just be old and grey.....

Plenty of TomTom users hate this singular feature; would be willing to pay for a fix. Someone with Linux know-how could do this...if it's doable to alteration.

Second item: A More useful menu customizing in order to add a function to a different location [beyond the geekspeak above]. [such as the "cancel current trip"]. Let's remember; an offering of a file download with this already relocated would be in high demand. The average user does not relate to jumping into this DIY mode. A simple replace you mnu file with this one...does the trick.

Someone, somewhere has this expertise. You might just find a lotta people waiting for you.

Honestly, I've seen people complaining about this "zoom" thingy for a while but until now, I am still confusing what you guys really talk about :(
What zoom feature that bothering you guys, anyway? :(
I've been using my unit for so long and I really don't have any issue with anthing related to zoom. Maybe I have not seen the problem? or I am too easy.
Can someone please elaborate what exactly it is?
There appears to be two types of ZOOM that are being discussed.

1. Zoom while performing a navigational maneuver (such as turns or changing of lanes) and
2. Optional Zoom while following a route and not making any maneuver.

The type of Zoom that some users want to fix is the second type. Some users want to be able to zoom out on the map to show a larger field of view and have it stay at that zoomed level until such time as a maneuver is required.

My HP iPAQ 310 has a similar function. It allows you to set a zoom out level until a maneuver is required. Basically, you set a trigger distance to an upcoming maneuver. For an example I have mine unit set to zoom out to 10000 feet (2D North up) when I am further than 1.5 miles from any maneuver. Within 1.5 miles it will zoom into normal 3D mode. It is this feature that I love the most on that unit.

This is just my $.02 worth.
Thanks spook45,
OK, so for type-2 zoom, users want to set to a zoom level and it supposes to stay at what that is, not automatically zoom back in, right?
Thanks spook45,
OK, so for type-2 zoom, users want to set to a zoom level and it supposes to stay at what that is, not automatically zoom back in, right?

That's what I understand from the discussion so far.

Users want to be able to follow a route and be able to see ahead on the map for a few miles. This gives them the advantage of knowing what the route looks like a few miles ahead. IMO it's not a bad idea. My HP unit does exactly that.

sorry right information in the wrong post
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I've been following this discussion, and am becoming progressively more confused.

My TomTom has always (since back in the Navcore 7 days up through 8.351) had the ability to control this.

Change Preferences / Automatic Zooming / Enable or Disable

With auto-zoom disabled, life is good.
For the type2-zoom, just like canderson mentioned above, the NC versions that I've been using for year, do have the "Auto Zoom" option, untick (both for 2D and 3D) and zoom will stay at the setting level.
Are you guys not seeing that? or we talk about something else?
I guess it comes down to definitions....

By disabling the auto-zoom option you will disable both type 1 and type 2 zooms. What I think is needed is to be able to disable type 2 zoom while still having type 1 active. What this will allow is the ability to follow a route from a zoomed out distance (showing miles ahead on the map) and then when a maneuver is needed it will zoom in to show the required maneuver. After the maneuver it will then zoom back out to the users optional zoom level.

This discussion was started by 'spiritx' and I only wanted to post my understanding of what I thought he was getting at. As I indicated earlier, my HP unit provides this functionality. If I had to pick out one feature that I would like to have on my Tom Tom it would be that one. It really is very convenient for cross country type driving where it is nice to see further down the route.

Again, just my $.02 worth.
Thanks spook45 once again to give me an explanation. I think I am clear of what zoom thingy that you guys talking about now. I do have a few suggestions but let start by nicely apologize mod/supermod first, the reason I saying so is knowing the thread "auto-zoom dispair" has been locked 'cuz has been covered long enough and now in this thread, I pull it out once again. So Mod/SuperM, pls forgive me :)

First of all, II speak based on my own device with its NavCore, there are 2 options that not only canderson has mentioned above but I've seen many other members did, the "Automatic Zooming" in both 2D and 3D. As spook45 explained, if we disable the feature, the zoom will stay at the setting level but won't be zoom in close to a turn (as we said type-1 zoom and type-2 zoom, it either kicks in (automatically zoom in for both types or stays out (not even zoom in when close to a turn). Based on the "auto-zoom dispair" thread, the majority of frustration was this zoom-in and owners want it to stay out so that they can see a bigger area on the navigating screen, someone even mentioned as far as 50 miles :). Here's my suggestions
1. Enable automatic zooming in 3D. (I personally love it). In this mode, it will zoom in when close to a turn, which is a must, and yes, I know that with this mode, you cannot set it to stay out. So you ask what if you want to view a bigger area on the screen, here comes the 2nd suggestion
2. Disable automatic zooming in 2D. Why?
a. Most people using 3D for driving on the route.
b. Most people using 2D to view map, just like a papermap
c. In 2D mode, displaying a big area, say up to 50 miles, is readable.
d. In 3D mode, displaying a big area, say up to 50 miles, is UN-readable
Therefore, why wouln't you want to display a huge area, seeing what road other the side of the lake, in 3D when it's not readable?
3. Why do I suggest that? because with the NavCore I'm using now, there is a 2D/3D button right on the navigating screen, just tap once (2D mode) you see whatever kind of roads/lakes/railroads on the screen and it will stay out that the leve you set (won't zoom back in because you already disable the autozoom). Toogle it (back to 3D mode), you're now back on the road, get zoom in when close to the turn.
Personally, I don't have any problem with that, and I don't know why people so upset about it.
The GO models have autozoom preferences. The lower end models (ONE/XL/XXL) do not.

Most recent navcore software properly recognizes the current device and enables/disables autozoom preferences even if you attempt to install mismatched navcore versions.

When you disable autozoom on a go model, it disables both type1 and type2 as described below.

My accord factory nav doesn't have autozoom. When I switched to a Tomtom it took a few weeks to get used to Autozoom, but now that I'm used to it I prefer the feature as Tomtom does a good job of giving me the right amount of zoom visuals as needed for a turn.

I can't estimate distance to next turn because of auto-zooming, but distance to next turn is the largest font number on the status bar, and I've learned to just use the status bar for distance info.
Good idea pianoCM, however, when you disable auto-zoom you do so for both 2D and 3D viewing mode. Before I get started let me also apologize to the Mod/SuperMod for continuing this thread. This was not my intention. I did follow the other thread with interest and was sorry to see it locked.

I have come to grips with the fact that the Tom Tom does not have the same zoom functionality as my HP unit. I wish it did but I don't hold hope that it ever will. The TT unit is a well built and designed unit and has many custom features not found on other manufacturers products.

I know that the distance to the next maneuver is shown as a large number in the lower left corner. I have become accustomed to using that like mvl indicates and it works well despite the fact that TT appears to use segments of highway as maneuver points.

Imagine if you will, that you have a route that is partially in the city with a long stretch of highway. While in the city the unit will stay in the preferred 3D mode and take you turn for turn through your maneuvers. Once on the highway with no maneuvers for the next 1.5 miles (settable) it will change the view to 2D North up (settable) from, let's say 10000 feet (settable). From 10000 feet you get an overview on your screen that covers about 8 square miles. It will stay that way until you get to within 1.5 miles of the next maneuver. So while in the city it works as a normal GPS navigation system but while on the highway it behaves more like a map. This allows you to see the surrounding area or lay of land like you would be looking at a map.

I am not very good at explaining things so I hope I don't confuse anyone. All I can tell you is that I have used the HP for over 2 years and that one feature stands out above all the rest for me.

As I indicated earlier, I don't have any hope that TT Engineers will design this function into their units but it is nice to dream once in a while.
Good idea pianoCM, however, when you disable auto-zoom you do so for both 2D and 3D viewing mode.

I hope you meant "OR", not AND because as I mentioned, there are 2 options, 2 completely seperated options, one for 2D auto-zoom and one for 3D auto-zoom. Disable 2D auto-zoom won't affect the 3D zoom at all.
In the meantime, while waiting for TT to fix this, we should just learn how to toggle between 2D and 3D more frequently as driving in the city (select 3D mode) and driving in the high-way or so (select 2D mode)
On the 730 with application 8.351 I only have one auto-zoom option and it affects both the 2D and 3D. I am not familiar with 9.x Navcore. If they port that option to 8.x that would a step in the right direction. Better yet maybe they can just issue 9.x for the x30 systems.

Hopefully someone at TT will read this thread.

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