Directional Compass (solved)

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Jun 13, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Has anyone encountered this problem & how did you resolve the issue:

the arrow (direction) of car is ALWAYS pointing opposite from where we are physically headed. We have a 1530/1535 and this is driving us nuts. The verbal directions are accurate yet it is very dangerous and distracting when the "arrow" is pointing the opposite way ......we disconnected the unit, we cannot find fixing solutions, and frankly...we really regret buying the TomTom.

Would anyone of you kindly assist us? Not even Cust. Service knows how.
the thread you mention shows up blank. Another signup is really frustrating. Can you provide the instruction which FIX the directional compass - Garmin indicates this quite accurately. Sorry for the comparison yet this is not an easy transition to something which appears to be completely illogical.
Don't know why the link isn't working for you. In any event, in you lay the unit flat, you may get a better handle on its showing North.

Does this assist:
OK, this my last try, then I'll give up...

I can leave my house and go east or west:


If that's not clear, put the heading on the status bar.

We would all like the old "pointer" back where you could set it to show the direction towards your destination, but that's simply not on offer at the moment.
I really appreciate your trying to resolve this. As to laying the TomTom flat? I prefer to keep this "attached" to windshield so it illustrates the map vs my overlooking to view the screen - even more dangerous.

I really appreciate your replies and attempts. Just tried again and not working as it should. I will make one last attempt to fix via Cust Srvc and if it does not change....well chucking it. Garmin is back in.

Thank you again for everything! If someone else has a concrete solution, I gladyl will try again the fixing...

He suggests you lay it flat only to understand it as if it were a map. The actual orientation in the vehicle is irrelevant.

The little blue compass arrow in the lower left corner always points north.

However, one wonders if you are talking about the blue arrow that represents your vehicle (that's the default icon). In that case, the 3D view will always point it in your direction of travel on a 1535. However, under "Settings" (right arrow)(right arrow) "2D/3D settings", you have the option of controlling the map orientation in the 2D view. The selection is "In 2D view: rotate map in direction of travel". Unselected, the 2D view remains with north up all the time. If you DO select that box, the map will spin around such that the 'up' position is like the 3D view, the direction you are traveling.
Did you actually look at those pictures that dhn posted? (which in fact *I* drew for that post on the other forum).

If you really have a compass showing on the screen, then if you are travelling EAST, then the compass will point out of the LEFT of the screen, because that is where NORTH is. It's working exactly as intended, but you THINK that means it's pointing west.


But I think canderson may have hit the nail on the head.
If you are talking about THIS icon:


.... then it is not a compass at all. It is merely an icon to show that the left hand section of the status bar is about your current position (it's a little car icon, yes?). On the other side there is a little chequered flag icon to show that that section is about things to do with your destination.

If we are still not grasping the problem you are trying to describe, can you possibly take a picture of the screen,showing exactly what you are concerned about?

You can then post it on the forum by clicking on the "paperclip" icon at the top of the posting window to upload the image file.



  • status_bar_icons_v11.jpg
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He suggests you lay it flat only to understand it as if it were a map. The actual orientation in the vehicle is irrelevant.

The little blue compass arrow in the lower left corner always points north.

However, one wonders if you are talking about the blue arrow that represents your vehicle (that's the default icon). In that case, the 3D view will always point it in your direction of travel on a 1535. However, under "Settings" (right arrow)(right arrow) "2D/3D settings", you have the option of controlling the map orientation in the 2D view. The selection is "In 2D view: rotate map in direction of travel". Unselected, the 2D view remains with north up all the time. If you DO select that box, the map will spin around such that the 'up' position is like the 3D view, the direction you are traveling.
Thank you all for your assistance. Now so you all continue to visualize the problem the ARROW as shown on this picture - for our unit is illustrating in the OPPOSITE direction...3D or 2D - no difference. Sorry. Now here's the reply directly from TomTom which confirms "no solutions":
"I understand that the compass arrow goes in the opposite way against the verbal directions. Please rest assured that I will do my best to provide the correct information in this regard.

Please note that the issue with the compass arrow is an ongoing issue. Our Product Development Team is diligently working to resolve the same.

We do value your feedback and we have already forwarded it to our Product Development team for further review. We take all customer feedback received very seriously in the future development of our products. Suggestions are gathered and organized to understand the areas our customers are most interested in enhancing."

If you can resolve this issue, I surely welcome the solution. TomToms are different from Garmin - yet the lingos are similar. Options vary yet some of the threads are basic replies...this is a bit complex and we did go to internet several times for possible solutions - a LOT of individuals owning a later version of TomToms are finding this same mishap.

We are not complaining...just pointing out a bit of frustrations with the fact: no solutions so far. If you have suggestions by all means continue posting. We are willing to try any - the basics have been tried - we read ALL forum suggestions for solutions to this issue...remains unsolved...

Our Product Managers review all feedback to determine future enhancements and products. Many of our current products and updates offer features based on customer suggestions.

Just so we're 100% together here, you are only paying attention to the compass position while you are moving, correct? This device has no integrated mag compass chip, so it depends upon motion to provide a correct orientation.
I totally understand: device needs to be in motion for arrow & outside a house for the "mapping of route" to work as well. This one problem is identifying the directional "Arrow" which is always pointing OPPOSITE of where we are physically driving and opposite to the driving verbal directions provided by TomTom voice. To visualize - the picture above is what we stated as an example yet the arrow is not facing the direction we are moving.
Unless you are going NORTH, the compass arrow should never point in your direction of travel. OTOH, it should only point in the opposite direction of your travel if you are heading south.

If the car icon (the thing that shows you vehicle's position -- which by default is a sort of blue arrow) is pointing 180 degrees to your direction of travel -- that's another story. I had this happen once on my GO740 (totally different code), and had to perform a hard reset to get it to behave.

At this point, there are too many pictures in this thread to know for certain which one you are talking about. Sorry.
Canderson: thank you so much for the assistance. Unfortunately now the TomTom does not even get into anything beyond the "I agree" legality statement. I cannot check anything. I feel so helpless and I want to follow your instructions yet this is really taking a LOT of time....btw: it is charged
Does the button to acknowledge the "I agree" highlight when pressed? If so, give the unit another 30 seconds to respond. If it does not finally respond, and your unit continues to do this on boot, then force a reboot of the unit by holding down the power button for 20 seconds until you hear the drum roll sound, then immediately release the button.

If that doesn't get you running again, we have one more step to perform.
And if you do a drum reboot by holding the power button 15-20 seconds till you hear the drum sounds, does the unit get past the 'I agree' screen???
Looks like that one was even less than 00:01 quicker, dhn!
This one problem is identifying the directional "Arrow" which is always pointing OPPOSITE of where we are physically driving and opposite to the driving verbal directions provided by TomTom voice. To visualize - the picture above is what we stated as an example yet the arrow is not facing the direction we are moving.

I think we are all at a loss to understand you now.... and we are not sure which picture or icon you are referring to.

Would it be possible to take a picture of the screen which shows what you are complaining about and post it here on the forum, please?

Use the "paperclip" icon at the top of the posting window to upload the image.

Personally, I'm especially interested as TomTom CS seem to have admitted to a problem which none of the regulars here have ever seen.
Does the button to acknowledge the "I agree" highlight when pressed? If so, give the unit another 30 seconds to respond. If it does not finally respond, and your unit continues to do this on boot, then force a reboot of the unit by holding down the power button for 20 seconds until you hear the drum roll sound, then immediately release the button.

If that doesn't get you running again, we have one more step to perform.

I have given up. CS is trying to see if we can return the item & get a replacement unit. If not, then it is a "trash" unit. We will consider alternatives on replacements yet I do know TomTom is not w/in the selection.

We wrote a write up w/in Amazon - I did not place your name yet you are amongst the positive w/in the entire experience. Thank you so much. I really have spent too much time over this issue and now issue getting worse. After 8 months - done.

Thank you again for everything. Should I need assistance once more - I will post w/in this forum as it is one of the best forums.:)
Understand that when you write your Amazon review, none of us here work for TomTom. This is an entirely independent group.
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