Can some one do what I cannot

Jun 11, 2013
I want to upload all Bureau of Land management campsites to my TOm TomOne Xl.
I have used the POI editor to convert the files but they do not show up on my Tom Tom
The files are available to the Public at uscampgroundsdotinfoforwardslashstatemapsdothtml
for free I just cannot make it work. Can someone convert, test and post?

By the way I did a search for this and got back no hits but I may have missed it.
Hi darsben and welcome to TTF!

Been awhile since I've done this on my ONE XL, but believe it is as follows:

NOTE: these will NOT show up in regular POI list, but you can Navigate to / POI / near you / then scroll through all available POI categories.

1. Save your list as "filename".ov2 (e.g. campsites.ov2)
2. Next, find a small bitmap ID picture to show up on the computer (e.g. a camping symbol). Save this bitmap picture with the exact same name as the above POI file of all the POIs. (e.g. campsites.ov2 & campsites.bmp)
3. Save both the above in the USA_and_Canada folder on yourTomTom.

Hope this helps.
I don't know the menu of your TomTom ONE XL but on my GO 930 I go
Change preferences > Show POI on map then check the ones to be shown.

To test pick a known one (to you). Either within a 50 mile radius of your current location or within 50 miles of a city (town) you know.

Navigate to ... >
Point of interest >
POI near you >
Click on the category you want or click right arrow until you get to your category >
Click on the actual POI or the down arrow until you got there. Click that POI.

For a location more than 50 miles near you go
Navigate to ... >
Point of interest >
POI in City > (type) City >
Click on the category you want or click right arrow until you get to your category >
Click on the actual POI or the down arrow until you got there. Click that POI.
And on the device, did you go to Manage pois-->show on map and select the category?

If you don't see the category, try a reset of the unit, either by holding the power button about 20 sec till you hear the drum sounds or using a dedicated reset hole if your model has one.
Forget I asked

Please no more replies I just am getting frustrated. I look all the suggestions and so far nothing I have not already tried.
Please if someone wants to create a file that works I will be very happy but I am done trying to make it work as is.
I have reached my absolute frustration level on this. I am removing the file from my Tom Tom
Please no more replies I just am getting frustrated. I look all the suggestions and so far nothing I have not already tried.

And how are we supposed to know what you have tried unless you tell us?

This is a webforum, we are very keen to help you to sort out your problem, but we are not mind-readers. You have to allow us to ask questions in order to try to find out where you have gone wrong.

Rest assured what you want to do is perfectly possible, but you have not given us much to go on so far.

I'll just download the POIs from the link you gave ( and try them myself.
OK, the files from that site are .csv files (as used on Garmin devices). As they stand, they are not usable on a TomTom without conversion to the correct TomTom format.

Many free programs available on the internet can do that for you such as POI Edit (that's NOT the same program as POIEditor - it may work too but I don't know that one well)
Open the .csv files and re-save them as .ov2 format (you CAN'T just change the file name as someone may have implied)

I have just picked one of the area files and done the conversion and it works fine on my TomTom.

As said above you may want to find a suitable picture or icon file to go with them, otherwise they will just show as a red square on the TT screen.

Ask nicely and someone will maybe do that for you, I'm afraid I have to go out for the evening very soon.

But do be aware that we still do not know whether you got the conversion process wrong or the installation to the TomTom wrong, so you will STILL have to bear with us as we try to guide you through it.
I have used the POI editor to convert the files but they do not show up on my Tom Tom
so far nothing I have not already tried.

I am removing the file from my Tom Tom
You are absolutely sure that you made a proper conversion to TomTom readable .OV2 files?

Before you delete the file from you TomTom, connect to the computer and use Windows Explorer (NOT HOME) to go to that file. Right click, "Open with" Wordpad and you will see amongst symbols readable text, typically the name of the place, city, phone number, etc.

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