Big Problem With Tomtom

Sep 9, 2010
I have a tomtom go 520, unsure what navcore is??

I was messing around with my tomtom trying to put on it a France map, i used Albert's Keygen, i dont no what i did but i something happened and it stopped reconizing the UK ROI map,

Error message "you cannot use this map on this device,"

So i Tried Albert's to patch the map hoping that would fix the problem, but instead made it worst, coz now the tomtom, is in a loop where doesnt load just looping the start screen,

Also purchased a new UK map from tomtom Home, hoping that would fix it, but still no joy, now seems like a waste of money.

Tried to find mapsettings.cfg in map folder but doesnt exist or unable to find.

Please can somebody out there help me with this problem, as i need to fix this, or else my wife will commence murder on me. :(:(
Here's the deal.......

You tried to get something for nothing using hacked software and maps (it's called 'theft').

The proper app for your model is 3.851 but who knows what hacked app is on it to try to get the hacked map to work.

You can try to see the app installed by tapping the satellite bars and see.

Unless it's 8.351, then even the legitimate map purchased probably won't work, as you've discovered.

If indeed you do have a legitimate map, you can remove the application from the 520, connect to Home and download the application offered.

No guarantees...........

Any discussion of getting hacked software to work has no place on this or any other legitimate forum.
Free advice for legitimate software -- applications and maps, yes.

For hacked software and maps, nope.
+2 to dhn.

I really don't get ppl using hacked stuff, esp now w/ lifetime maps/traffic models being available. Neverminding the illegal stuff, the *legit* software has enough glitches as it is, but at least it's covered by the company and eventually there'll be a fix. Using hacks is just asking for it (e.g. screwing up your unit, viruses, who knows what else/etc).

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