30 Minutes to pick up Traffic on XXL 540?

Oct 29, 2007
I bought my XXl 540 units from Amazon and it takes 30 minutes to pull in Traffic information. If you look at the Traffic Screen, it says it's searching for a station (or similar). Once the initial data is displayed, it seems to updating regularly. I am in New England.

Any thoughts? I saw something about plugging in the power cord into the cigarette lighter after the unit is powered up, but I will be getting this hard wired, so that won't work.
The traffic on that unit is ONLY received by the combo rds-tmc traffic/car charger. I don't think it makes a difference whether the unit is off or on when connected to the power source in the car regarding the speed of capture of traffic info.

However, what may make a difference is where the plastic 'egg' is located, relative to the radio and the signal received (it does require info from the fm getting to the radio for traffic).

You may wish to see what stations broadcast the info in your area here:
Total Traffic Network | Navigation Coverage Map List

and perhaps trial to dial the station manually and see if it helps.
It doesn't matter if plug in the receiver/charger before or after you turn on the device. I do mine both ways without any problems.

Go here and see if you can find a station in your area. If so, you can see what stations supply the data, the frequency (which you can enter manually), and the coverage area.

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