XL 330 s - RDS-TMC traffic not working

Feb 23, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
I just purchased the RDS-TMC traffic receiver for my TOM TOM, but is is saying it will not work with the current map. What does this mean? What map is it looking for?
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We're assuming that the 330 should have been on the TomTom list for RDS. It never has been, but I do believe it should have been.

What is the part number indicated on your packaging? There are a bunch of different versions of RDS cable out there - 3 versions (one uncommon) for the U.S. alone, and others for other countries where their AM and FM systems are different.

You may have been 'conned' into buying the European version of the RDS cable. Beware. The 9UUC.002.00, does not work in North America. Can you identify the 9UUC part number on your cable packaging? You're looking for 9UUC.052.02 for North America.

Further to this, the 9UUC cables will NOT work with units that are not running at least version 9.XXX firmware, and I suspect that unless you have very recently downloaded new firmware for your unit, you still have version 8.XXX firmware.
I do not see the 9UUC number you refer to. It says TomTom Go One XL GPS RDS TMC Trafic Receiver USB LT (Tm247). Does this mean anything? I received the website I bought it from from the Tom Tom people when I emailed them about it. I do not know to what you refer regarding the firmware. How do I know what I have and how do I download the latest version? Sorry, I am knew to this whole GPS thing.
First, let me confirm what I think you just said; you purchased this unit directly from TomTom?

The only way I can advise regarding your firmware level is to know which part number they really shipped to you, and nothing you've been able to find so far on the packaging (that should have 'wrapped' the package) includes a proper part number.

AFAIK, all CURRENT RDS cables that would work with your unit require the 9.XXX firmware. I haven't owned a 330, but let's try this. Are there little satellite signal strength bars in the lower right of your unit when it's fired up? If so, press those. Now look in the lower right corner again. Press there. You should get the version information for your unit, and that will include your firmware version which will either be 8.something or 9.something.
Guess I should also ask, since it may become an issue...

1) Have you ever backed up the contents of your unit? If not, please do so now. Procedure is here >>> https://www.tomtomforums.com/t17864-how-backup-contents-your-unit-computer.html

2) Have you ever installed and connected to the TomTom HOME software to update your unit? (Now is NOT yet the time to do so, but I need to know if you have that software loaded and have ever used it).
I did not buy this from Tom Tom. I did email them to ask where to purchase one and they went me a website and I purchased it there. It was packaged in a bag wrapped in bubble wrap, but no paperwork other than the order form.
The version is 8.083.
Curious - where did TomTom send you to buy that cable? And was it Tech Support that sent you there?!?

OK. Guess we'll see if that cable is going to work or not. I still suspect it's a European model, but here we go.

Once hooked up to Home, Home should offer you a new application for your unit. It will be 9.400 (compared to your older 8.083). Go ahead and allow Home to install that application.

Now plug in the new RDS cable and see if it behaves or not.
I don't believe the XL330 got this month's 9.400 software update. It is a 2008 model that didn't get picked up in the recent software update.

At the 8.083 software, only the USB non-lifetime antenna is supported in the USA. This antenna doesn't plug into the cigarette lighter, instead it has a two usb connectors: you plug your car charger into the antenna, and the antenna into the Tomtom.

This antenna works 1 year from first use, and has been discontinued. So unless you find a never-used one on ebay you won't be able to use it.
@mvl. Interesting. Do you have a list of which models were skipped? Seems to me that we've seen units older than the 330 pick up the 9.400 code.

I can only provide you the list of devices being provided the NC 9.400 update.

GO Classic, ONE, ONE-S, XL 335 LE/ SE/SE-TM, XL 350, XXL 550, START 40/ 45/ 50/ 55, GO 720, GO 920, GO 730, GO 930, GO 740 Live, RIDER, RIDER2, ONE XL, ONE XL S, GO 300, EASE, ONEv3/ 3rd edition, ONEv2/ new edition

If I look at that list (the official one from TT) the XL 330 isn't listed.

I have gone to Tom Tom home and the version is still 8.083. I am attaching the email conversation with myself and the Tom Tom representative.

Subject RDS-TMC Traffic Receiver for my XL-330-S
Discussion Thread Response (ST Fanny) 12/30/2011 04:37 PM Dear TomTom Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support. My name is Fanny and we are always happy to help.

I understand that you want to if you can purchase RDS-TMC service for your device. I can understand how important this could be for you.

Please rest assured that I will provide you complete assistance in this matter.

I am sorry to inform you that the RDS-TMC service has been discontinued by TomTom. We no longer offer RDS-TMC service to our customers. The reason behind this is, as we have launched the new devices with Lifetime Traffic service. The RDS-TMC service was a paid service which had to be renewed every year. Since, we have launched the device with Lifetime Traffic service, we have stopped the RDS-TMC service.

We have a USB LT Traffic receiver on 3rd party websites which can provide you the Traffic service. You can purchase the USB LT Traffic receiver from the link given below:


Also note, we do not provide refund on accessories purchased through third party retailer.

I hope the information provided by me was helpful. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to assist you. If you have any queries regarding TomTom product please let us know. I will be glad to assist you. We value you as a customer and your complete satisfaction is our prime concern.

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With Best Regards,

TomTom Customer Support Auto-Response 12/29/2011 07:04 PM Title: Updating safety cameras
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Customer 12/29/2011 07:04 PM can I purchase an RDS-TMC Traffic Receiver for my XL-330-S? If so, how much is it and where can I order it from?

Thank you.
Question Reference #111230-005835 Product Level 1: Car Navigation Product Level 2: XL 330 Category Level 1: Purchase advice Date Created: 12/29/2011 07:04 PM Last Updated: 12/30/2011 04:37 PM Status: Waiting
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@mvl. Interesting. Do you have a list of which models were skipped? Seems to me that we've seen units older than the 330 pick up the 9.400 code.

My understanding is that only IQroutes-capable models were upgraded. Eg: any model previously with app 8.300 or later.

Sunrise, the antennas used to cost about $100. For only a bit more you can buy an XXL540TM, which has lifetime maps and traffic and all the features your XL330 had.
That is truly astonishing, and what a horribly confused email you received from them. HOLD ONTO IT. I'd be asking TomTom for the $ you paid for the cable.

OK - note that the number for this device is 4UUC.001.01. For whatever reason, TomTom dual numbers things, and that, as far as I know, is the internal TomTom number for the 9UUC.002.00European-only device I warned you about.

Next they say that
I am sorry to inform you that the RDS-TMC service has been discontinued by TomTom. We no longer offer RDS-TMC service to our customers
What a lot of baloney that is. All current non-Live models with traffic are shipping with an RDS-TMC cable, and the service works just fine. I suppose what this person MEANT to say was that the service is not being offered (since they have none of the older cables) for models like your 330 for which the new software and new cable do not apply. In short, they aren't supporting 9.400 for the 330, so the new cable isn't being supported, either, and there is no supply of the cable at TomTom that would run under 8.XXX firmware.

OK, next they say that
We have a USB LT Traffic receiver on 3rd party websites which can provide you the Traffic service. You can purchase the USB LT Traffic receiver from the link given below:


Also note, we do not provide refund on accessories purchased through third party retailer.
However, if they have pointed you to a device that could not POSSIBLY work on a unit in the USA, then shame on them. Trust that we will be pointing this out to someone at TomTom shortly.
XL 330 S RDS-TMC traffic receiver not working

Thank you so much for spending the time to explain everything to me. I believe you are right. Shame on the customer support person for misguiding me in this. I guess if I were more GPS savvy, I would have known all of this, but as a new user, I just took what they told me and bought the thing. I have contacted the seller to ask for my money back and to return the product, but they have not returned a reply as yet. Do you think I should call Tom Tom and ask them to reimburse me?
As to contacting TomTom: Hang on until Monday or Tuesday and let us see what sort of reply I get to something I posted for a TomTom employee. Their own text provides that nasty little "we do not provide refund" business. I'm asking for clarification of the part numbers involved from someone who should be able to answer. The problem is that it's Friday afternoon in Europe already, so I may not hear anything until next week.

I'd really try to get it back to the seller, though.
I am sorry I did not wait on your next reply. I did contact Tom Tom this morning and after 30 minutes of light argument, they agreed that I should not have been advised to buy the traffic receiver because my GPS can't be updated to the correct version to run the traffic receiver and they also agreed that even if the version was correct, the cord was for Europe. In the end, they said they could not refund money to me because they could not accept back a product that was not theirs. They did offer me a condolence prize of the lifetime map update.

Thank you so much for all your help and let me know what the person you contacted says.

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