Wrong Corrected Speed

Feb 11, 2009
So I added two speed limits on my TomTom Go 930 tonight for two different roads. One was 35mph and the other was 30mph. After adding them, on the road where I put the speed as 35mph the TomTom displayed the speed limit as 34mph and on the road where I put 30mph it displayed 31mph. I went in to correct the speeds again and it showed 35 and 30. Any ideas why the TomTom is doing this?
TomTom has a problem in its algorithm when it takes an inputted speed and converts it to kph behind the scenes and converts it back to mph for display purposes. Known issue.
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry Curve 8330: BlackBerry8330/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/126 UP.Browser/

Yeah I have mine set for km which displays properly, but when I touch the screen for voice directions it will say "turn left in 2 miles".
mph errors

So I added two speed limits on my TomTom Go 930 tonight for two different roads. One was 35mph and the other was 30mph. After adding them, on the road where I put the speed as 35mph the TomTom displayed the speed limit as 34mph and on the road where I put 30mph it displayed 31mph. I went in to correct the speeds again and it showed 35 and 30. Any ideas why the TomTom is doing this?

Got same errors like 31 in a 30. Sent to tech support but no answer for this problem. If you know tomtom as I do, you might as well forget about this problem for about 10 years
I have my TomTom 730 set to use MPH. Does anyone know how the TomTom is converting that speed when doing speed correction? Right now if I put in the correct MPH it comes out incorrect after the conversion. If I knew how the conversion worked I could just put in the wrong MPH speed and hopefully it would turn out correct when displaying on the TomTom. Seems like a pretty trivial little bug, why hasn't this been fixed.
Who knows? The software converts from mph to kph and then back again to mph. The code seems to truncate rather than round values.

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