Via and Tyre?


Oct 16, 2007
Maryland, USA
TomTom Model(s)
720, 1535TM
  • Can Tyre be used for route planning with way-points and put into a Via 1535?
  • Is there Itinerary Planning for the Via 1535?
I called TT support this week. I asked two different support people if Itinerary Planning is available in the 1535TM. I was told by both that it is but it is called by another name, VIA or via planning.

With that assurance, I purchased a 1535TM. Now I cannot find any reference to an Itinerary.

Will Tyre work for this?

RVA in Maryland
Hope where you got the device has a liberal return policy.......:(

The 1535 can add 4 waypoints (NOT 48) when you plan a trip but the route created cannot be saved. And you can't use Tyre or any other 3rd party app with the device since the user cannot get access to the file system on the device.
1535 does not replace the 720

Yes, they are very good on returns. So what TT should I get to replace my 720. Features include custom POI list, itineraries, voice address input, compass direction arrow.

My call to TT Support said that the 1535 is but they were reading from a prompt and seemed they had never seen one. This one implies it has lifetime map updates and lifetime traffic. I suspect it is traffic and lifetime maps. I have not yet identified if I do or do not have traffic reports and alternate routes.

It seems that the 1535 is not yet ready for prime time.

It just doesn't have the features that older models had.

For true itinerary planning, you need a 720, 730, 920, 930 or a 540.

And if you want the compass direction, well, that's been removed from all models in recent app releases.
Via is clearly NOT a 720

Thank you for your suggestions. I called TT again and asked specifically and repeatedly for a replacement for the 720. Still they walked me through the 1535. I let them tell me how to input the itinerary and, yes, it was 4 points and no save. They did not know what I meant about importing a custom POI list. Asking again about the 720, I was told they are no longer supporting those devices. I presume that to be the entire "GO" series.

Worse was that it was so sloooooow. It clearly is not the device that the 720 is. She said that was the best they could offer that if I wanted more I would have to go to the business division. That site is clearly for fleets and not a friendly site even if I could buy one. I saw they are TomTom Pro's. Searching for TT Pro's I found they call for much different features than I want. I don't need to program in the height and weight of my vehicle.

After going to the Amazon help desk, (They are Terrific!!!) I have all but decided on the Nuvi 2535. My return of the TomTom VIA is without regret. My likely switching to Garmin is a shame because I really like the TomTom image, I have had four.

I am traveling. It will be a week before I can make the change. If there are suggestions, I am open. Such a shame that I would have to downgrade features to upgrade my device and stay with TT.
Look, you have to go with a device that fits YOUR needs.......

If Tomtom doesn't do it, by all means you should (and did) seek out a brand that does.

Good luck and thanks for the feedback.
A lot of us feel the same way... we have great loyalty to the brand because their past models were so good, but how long do we stick with TomTom if they steadfastly refuse to give us back the features we've lost on ALL the recent models?
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Such a shame that I would have to downgrade features to upgrade my device and stay with TT.
Another classic example, and another that I will forward to someone I know back at TomTom. Sooner or later, perhaps the product planning people will get the message.

I almost bought a VIA model recently but the first would not power up, so I returned it for another which wouldn't power up either. I ended up purchasing a Start 55TM. After I modified it so that I can access the itinerary function I am completely happy with it.

Here is a thread that was very helpful with making the appropriate change to the Start 55TM (lifetime maps and traffic).

Here is the config that I used:

You may have already made a purchase but this may help other folks.

Thanks much for that, Jim.

We were truly astonished when the Start 40, 45, 50 and 55 were released with what we call the old "Nav2" platform code that allows the user to view and manipulate the contents of the file system. None of the new Nav3 devices allow that, and we thought we would never see another Nav2 device released by TomTom. Goes to show, you can never outguess these guys when it comes to tossing out new models while you're not watching!

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