v8.302 broke my current street name display

Mar 15, 2009
Central Alabama
TomTom Model(s)
go 930
I'm new to the forums. I've had a go 730 for a couple of days. I do a lot of driving on the back roads of Alabama, and I like seeing the name of the county road I'm on prominently displayed on the status bar. However, when I updated from v8.00 to 8.302, the current street name no longer displays on the status bar, but only above it on the map. I also noticed that the show current street name in "name preferences" and "status bar preferences" in v8.302 are no longer independent. Checking or unchecking "show current street name" in one does the same in the other setting. So, I went back to v8.00. Anyone else noticed this?

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Steet names

I have the 920 and am pretty sure the applications should be the same for your unit also.your right in that in status bar has show current street name and in street name preferenced their is a box that says show current street name on map Both do the same thing. Please realize that if these box are checked, RIGHT ABOVE the lowere blue area with all arival times and turns it tells you the current street name. The Next Turn that you are going to have is at the very top.. At first I did not know if I would like it but in reality by putting the next turn on the top it gives more room on the map itself and now I sort of like it. Besides the next turn on the top it also changes to the next turn sign when getting close. YOu should try it for a while. You can see more map and you are able to see more road in advance of a turn. My advice is don't go backward. Good luck
Thanks for the reply. I was afraid that the "show street in status bar" has been disabled with newer versions. That's a shame, because that's why I purchased the unit. I do considerable driving on poorly marked, back roads for photo soots. Having the current street prominently displayed helps me remember a location and its easy to jot down if I want. The displayed name in the newer versions are too small to be much use for me. I would think you could achieve the view you like by just unchecking "display current street" in the status bar settings. I hope they don't phase this option all the way out like garmin did. I guess if you live in the city or spend most of your time on interstates knowing the highway you're on is self-evident, but it sure ain't like that out in the country.
I'm actually flying to Alabama for the week tomorrow for my job. I hope the TomTom treats me well when I go there. I already had trouble inputting the address to the hotel I will be staying in. I had to find the location manually online and add as a favorite using coordinates. And yes, the newer versions of the software have moved the next instruction to the top right corner of the screen. I also preferred it on the status bar as well. It's also really bad that now if you encounter a really long street name, it will make the font VERY tiny, just to get the name to fit on the top right corner of the screen.
Hope your TomTom likes Alabama Sageuvagony. I spoke with TomTom support this morning. The rep confirmed that the "show current lane feature on status bar" was non-functional and that TomTom was aware of the omission. She tried to appease me by saying the update cleared up the stuttering, (which I never experienced) & that newer features were added. When I pinned her down about the newer features she finally admitted that there were no new features. When I asked how I could make a feature request or in reality a resume feature request, she told me there was no way to ask for a feature. She said she'd document the call and send it along its merry way. Doesn't sound too promising.
For what it's worth, strong rumour floating around that TT has figured a way to get fm transmission for voice directions back into the units and an application update will be released **soon** implementing the re-introduction,
For what it's worth, strong rumour floating around that TT has figured a way to get fm transmission for voice directions back into the units and an application update will be released **soon** implementing the re-introduction,

w00t! This is very good news :) Let's just hope it's true. I'm at the airport right now waiting for my flight to Alabama. I board in 30 min. Please TomTom, don't let me down!
Rumor, rumor please be true. In the mean time, I've figured out a work around for me. Thanks to reading this forum prior to cracking open my box, the first thing I did was make a backup. So, I reverted back to my original version 8.00 with year old map v8.00.1727 on the 730 itself. (My unit must have been sitting on the shelf for a while.) This gives me name display i wanted and FM broadcast for both voice and mp3. Then, I popped in a 4gig SD card, upgraded to the SD card with new app & map. So, if I need newer (crippled version???) I pop in SD card, and if I want older version, I just take SD card out. Now I must admit that its too cool that TomTom sees both as different devices. So if I want to update my SD card, I just put it in a card reader, pop it in a usb slot, and away I go. All I need now is multi-destination route optimization ;-) Not asking for too much am I?
A good solution and we're all hoping that TomTom will ultimately join Garmin in having route planning like that....

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