Updating device taking a long time?

Jul 14, 2008
Portland, Oregon
TomTom Model(s)
This is not a new phenomenon but I finally got tired of waiting for my GO 930 to search for available updates so I thought I would see if anyone else has the same problem. I am using Home 2.4 with a very fast internet connection - and I will often try to not do anything else on the computer during the update because updating seems to weigh heavy on the processor.

Sometimes it takes 2-3 minutes (sometimes more) just to show me a quick-fix update or maybe a couple minutes or more to show a tiny map share update.

Sometimes it takes several minutes just to tell me that there are no updates!

If I try to update again - lets say after a tiny update or whatever, it will always be faster with the results the next time.

Is that amount of time typical with other users?

Thanks in advance for your replies.
Yeah......think it happens to all of us.

Some suggest if you minimize the screen when it first shows the progress bar while it's searching for updates, that it finds items faster. Don't know why that should be, but it does seem to help.
Great! The "minimize" trick works like a champ.
I am so impatient that I minimize for about 5 seconds and then bring it back up and the updates are there waiting for me! Very cool.

Thanks for the tip DHN
Works for me to minimize the window too. Though it doesn't make sense that it should :confused:

I think it's a programming issue in home. Like it's spending way too much time keeping the interface up to date and hardly any time fetching. When you minimize the interface it switches to fetching more and the updates DL much faster.

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