Unable to use, Help

Dec 15, 2007
Iowa Park, TX
TomTom Model(s)
I purchased a 720 on Ebay and all is there. When turned on I get red circled X. I have another 720 and when connected to TOMTOM Home it indicates a serial number not registered to me. I use the bypass serial number selection and I still am having no luck. The seller is reputable. Any tricks I should use to get it to load up correctly. By holding the on button I can see the boot screen and it appears to have been used before because of the number of voices and other data. Please suggest remedy
I purchased a 720 on Ebay and all is there. When turned on I get red circled X. I have another 720 and when connected to TOMTOM Home it indicates a serial number not registered to me. I use the bypass serial number selection and I still am having no luck. The seller is reputable. Any tricks I should use to get it to load up correctly. By holding the on button I can see the boot screen and it appears to have been used before because of the number of voices and other data. Please suggest remedy
Goto this link for assistance with a red X issue.

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