Unable to Update Map (Error on Copying File to Device)

Oct 23, 2009
Hi everyone, just purchased a TomTom XL GO IQ UK and Ireland, and instantly I decided to update maps and other elements. I installed HOME 2 off of the device and updated the map.

It downloaded and began to copy to the device. About halfway through, it slowed to an absolute crawl and eventually spat out an error about copying Cline.dat, and when I tried again, it was a .met file.

Fair enough, thought I would do it manually. So right now I am extracting the files to the device manually (as descriped in this thread https://www.tomtomforums.com/tomtom-one-xl/17579-one-xl-map-update-error-clnie-dat.html However, it is right now extracting cl.ine.dat to the device at 25.2KB/s (AND IS GOING TO TAKE 7 HOURS) and the transfer is being generally unstable (program not responding), USB2 is much faster than this and I fully expect the transfer to throw up an error soon.

I can't see any other way around this problem if this doesn't work.

This is pretty unacceptable to be honest.

Any suggestions?
Your new toy uses USB 1 which will partly explain the speed issue, also Windows has a strange way of reporting the remaining time for file transfer which makes it look far worse than it actually will take, for a UK&ROI I would expect it to take less than an hour in total though - Mike
USB1?! USB 3 will be around soon! Ohwell, not the end of the world.

Is it normal for the unit to be only very occasionally showing the 'Writing to hard disk, do not disconnect' image?

new SD card for tom tom ONE XL

I have a One XL for which I bought soem time ago (over a year) a SD card of 2 GB to store the bigger files I needed for all of western europe. it has not run out of memory for updates so I bought a new SD memroy card of 4 Gb but when I insert it in the tom tom as instructed to intialise it ( back up old card, disconnect , reconnect with new card and transfer) it does not see the unit at all, it actually says
No unit connected.

i cannot even transfer files from Windows explorer to the card via the Tom Tom

is the card too big for ONE XL?
why I did not have problems loading files on the 2 GB card orignally via Tom Tom Home?

do I have to buy a separate card reader to load files in it?
my computer does not ahver a SD slot.

can anyone point me in the right direction?
I have tried and failed everything else .

Most 4GB cards are of the SDHC type and AFAIK these are not supported by the original XL, it is possible to get 4GB SD cards that are true SD (not SDHC) but these are quite rare - Mike
Most 4GB cards are of the SDHC type and AFAIK these are not supported by the original XL, it is possible to get 4GB SD cards that are true SD (not SDHC) but these are quite rare - Mike

4GB SD cards (not SDHC) cards are rare, and even if you find them, they may not fully work reliably. The SD standard is ambiguous when it comes to 4GB implementation, so different devices and different 4GB SD cards may or may not work together fully.



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