I have an ONE XL with v8.0.1.0. I tried to install Trip Master both by doing it manually (V1.8 then v2.0) and then tried to find how to get HOME to install it for you (that didn't work either). I did notice after that my menus seem to be screwed up, however that may have been as a result of another program (FT). I renamed the mnu file that is installed with FT and that fixed the problem so I have to believe it didn't have anything to do with TripMaster. I only mention it just in case other's had the same issue with TripMaster.
Now on to the questions. I know that this has been beaten around in several threads, however I can't seem to keep it all straight. I'd like to get this working on my unit. How can I make that happen (in a few easy steps please... tomorrow is my birthday and I'm feeling old).
Failing that is there any programs that give you the same thing that work on v8? I found another one, however that didn't install properly either.
Is there an issue with getting 3rd party apps to install under v8? The one that did work (FT), the developer had to come out with a fix to get it to work.... that I believe was the mnu file that I renamed and when I did the program disappeared from the menu.
Can the mnu files be edited so that I can cut out some icons that I may not need (like TomTom help) and keep ones that I would like to have (like Map Corrections)?
Thanks in advance
Now on to the questions. I know that this has been beaten around in several threads, however I can't seem to keep it all straight. I'd like to get this working on my unit. How can I make that happen (in a few easy steps please... tomorrow is my birthday and I'm feeling old).
Failing that is there any programs that give you the same thing that work on v8? I found another one, however that didn't install properly either.
Is there an issue with getting 3rd party apps to install under v8? The one that did work (FT), the developer had to come out with a fix to get it to work.... that I believe was the mnu file that I renamed and when I did the program disappeared from the menu.
Can the mnu files be edited so that I can cut out some icons that I may not need (like TomTom help) and keep ones that I would like to have (like Map Corrections)?
Thanks in advance