Transfer of Data

Sep 12, 2010
Longs, SC
TomTom Model(s)
Start 55TM
Can I take the backup of data on my computer of my XXL 550 and transfer it
directly to my new Start?
Depends upon what data you want to transfer, and the method will depend upon which version of Start you have. In a move so brilliant that only those with the magic decoder ring are able to fathom it, TomTom re-used the Start name on different models over quite a number of years. Any personal custom data you added to your XXL550 is likely to be transferable. If you still have the 550, it may be even easier. Let us know.
Depends upon what data you want to transfer, and the method will depend upon which version of Start you have. In a move so brilliant that only those with the magic decoder ring are able to fathom it, TomTom re-used the Start name on different models over quite a number of years. Any personal custom data you added to your XXL550 is likely to be transferable. If you still have the 550, it may be even easier. Let us know.

Thanks for getting back to me. I had a TT XXL550T that was stolen. I did a full backup of the data to my
desktop computer before the theft.

I now have a new TT START 55TM and would like to get the data from my computer transferred to it.
Not concerned about the maps but the custom voices, start-up and shut-down screens.

Wish I had a magic decoder ring but lost that many years ago when the Space Rangers went off.
Ah, OK then. Your Start 55 is also a Nav2 device, similar to your 550, so a relative piece of cake.

You'll be able to use your PC to move certain files from your PC backup to your new unit. Did you make a manual backup, or have Home do it?

1) Custom voices: In the root of your backup, you should find a folder called "Voices". There are typically 3 files associated with each voice, *.chk (the actual recorded sound), *.vif (info about the voice) and *.bmp (the icon for the menu). Copying the custom ones (largish numbered ones) to the Voice folder on your 55 will resolve that.

2) Start-up / Shut-down screens: Startup is in the root of your backup, called splashw.bmp. Copying that to the root of your 55 takes care of that. Shutdown is also in the root, called antitheftw.bmp. Copy that to the root of your 55 as well.

3) If you had any custom POI, those can be copied from your North America map folder to the North America map folder on your 55. These are called *.ov2, usually with associated *.bmp icons.

4) It would be possible to get back your favorites as well if need be.
This needs a bit more research on my end.
The file structure for the deceased XXL 550T and the START 55TM are definitely different.
I did manage to retrieve my startup and shutdown files and they are working.

However I still have problems doing update from TT Home on the new gps..

I am attaching 2 screen shots, a portion of each is repeated due to size.
This is where I need a decoder ring for sure.
Your help is deeply appreciated.


  • Doc1.pdf
    45.5 KB · Views: 285
  • Doc2.pdf
    45 KB · Views: 281
Was unable to read text due to compression, and did not see repeats.

TWO things come to mind. FIRST and foremost, do NOT attempt to use the same email address for the new Start as you used for your 550. If I am reading the fuzzy print correctly, I suspect the update was for your 550, and was refused due to presence of the 50. Let's get that item worked out first if it is the case. Please register your START 50 with Home using a different (even bogus) email address. Units are tracked on the TomTom server by email address. Stupid? Yes, but that's how it is.

SECOND: I see that Home backed up your unit. I HOPE it did not overwrite the previous backup info. You never answered my first question, above, about the method you used to make your prior backup. Answer to that question would have determined the approach I would recommend to do all that you accomplish, not LEAST of which would have probably to have minimzed Home when it came up and not accepted any updates.
Sorry about the delay in replying.
You are correct in both the instances you cited in your last post.
I DID use my same email address for the 550 and the 50 which created a conflict from the beginning.
However, a call to tech support and they gave me the option to keep the same email address
for the new unit. At the same time they issued a new certificate(?) that allowed me to download
all the new maps and updates for my new 50.
When I do my backups for the units I always do them manually to my computer and then move them
to a flash drive for safe keeping. So now with a little work on my part, guidance from you and a lot
of help from customer support I should be able to get back to where I was before the theft.
Thanks again to you and to Cesar at TomTom technical support.
Glad to hear you got it sorted, and that you're doing your own manual backups. Now that you have a TM unit, we can get you out of almost any ditch so long as a good backup can be found!

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