TomTom ONE v4, Sprint and Palm TREO 700p

Oct 12, 2007
Can anyone point me to step by step instructions for getting a Palm TREO 700p phone with Sprint Power Vision data plan to work with the TOMTOM ONE.

The two are paired but I cannot set up the "wireless" stuff.

Make sure you set up the services on TomTom first. If you then have the unit paired, it should work. Did you use #777 to connect?
Make sure you set up the services on TomTom first. If you then have the unit paired, it should work. Did you use #777 to connect?

You mean there IS a way to get a Sprint phone connected to the One???? I have been trying for a LOOOONG time... never knew about the #777. I have a Motorola Q and it does recognize the phone but not the data connection.

Can you tell us how to do it????


New to forum, but thought I would post my success. I got my Treo 700p paired and working with my TomTom One XL Plus Services by:

1. Using the hack suggested here
2. Selecting the PalmOne 650 from the list during pairing set-up on the TT
3. Access =
4. user & password left blank
5. no change to the dial-up number
6. no change to script (left blank)

To my surprise it worked. Hope this helps someone.

Forgot to mention this was a Verizon Treo 700p using a unlimited data plan - NOT the tethering plan.
If anyone feels this should be in a different forum, please move it or point here.
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Yes, the Treo 650 works fine.

I was able to connect the 700p, that is, add the TomTom as a device on my phone. But the TomTom wouldn't recognize it.
More help please?

New to forum, but thought I would post my success. I got my Treo 700p paired and working with my TomTom One XL Plus Services by:

1. Using the hack suggested here
2. Selecting the PalmOne 650 from the list during pairing set-up on the TT
3. Access =
4. user & password left blank
5. no change to the dial-up number
6. no change to script (left blank)

To my surprise it worked. Hope this helps someone.

Forgot to mention this was a Verizon Treo 700p using a unlimited data plan - NOT the tethering plan.
If anyone feels this should be in a different forum, please move it or point here.

I have a Sprint treo 700P with an unlimited data plan.
I was intrigued by your post. Which steps from
did you use? Did you stop at the step where it says:

8. Push the reset button on the back of the Treo.

This is the last step after the hack is put into the phone?


It should basically install duns into the palm 700p, right?

What's the latest on this scenario, Bluetooth compatibility for the TomTom One LE with a Treo 650--and other Sprint Treos--from Sprint?

I'm looking to get a LE unit but will be upgrading my Sprint Treo 650 to the rumored Treo 800w (Windows Mobile) in a few months. Has anyone here at the forums use a Tom Tom One LE with a current version of a Windows Mobile Treo, either the 700wx (Sprint) or the 700w (Verizon), or even the Treo 750?
Bump! Particularly, very curious about the traffic update feature that can be used with smartphones with an Internet connection with Bluetooth.
Hello, I was wondering if anyone here knew how to pair a sprint Treo 700wx with a TomTom ONE XL, my Treo recognizes the TomTom and my TomTom recognizes the wireless bluetooth but when I go through the setup the TomTom dosent have my model number listed so I put other, and then when it asks which service I have it dosent have Sprint as an option and when I put other it just tells me that the Treo could not be dettected. Does anyone know a way around this, I noticed there was a hacksite listed but I couldn't find anything on the Treoo 700wx. If anyone could help out I would be most thankful, Mike

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