tomtom one software

Jul 28, 2011
so my boss has a tomtom one he is trying to give to his sons gf but he apparently did not realize the SD card in it was NOT just memory storage but the entire OS of the tomtom.

so i have a new SD card to use but no OS or maps for hte tomtom. how can i get this data?
i can not get tomtom home to detect the device as it will not boot all the way. could anyone on here ZIP the OS for the tomtom one and email it to me? once i have that i can buy a map update and should be up and running.

unless someone has a better idea?

the device is a 4n00.004 4:3 screen
ONE 2nd Edition (TomTom HOME) is what that website tells me this device is. knowing that, how can i get an operating system for it?
Insert the SD card into the device. Connect to Home. It should offer an application to download and install.
no, the computer cant see the device... that is what im saying. the TOMTOM has no operating system so it will not boot up to allow me to sync it with the tomtom app. i need the raw operating system for the tomtom sd card in order to get the device to be recognized by the home application. i have my tomtomxxl hooked up just fine but not the ONE.
i went through it all, nothing there can help me. i cant tell the tomtom to connect to the computer as there is no OS to manage that connection. so i have the bios of the tomtom but thats it... is anyone able to make a download or point me to one for the basic OS for hte tomtom?

if your worried about piracy just delete the maps, ill buy those, i just need the OS to get me that far.
Yes, the "E" prefix on your serial identifies it as a ONE, 2nd, and of the flavor that has zero internal memory.

Download the file found here >>

Use your preferred 'unzip' tool to open it. Retaining any folders, copy the full contents of that *.cab file to a blank 1GB or 2GB SD card. That should be enough to get the unit running.
thank you, im closer. i have hte files on teh SD card and i can turn on the device. it lets me select basic prefrences but does not show a map or voices. obvious issues as they are not on the device yet. so i go to plug it into the computer and it asks do i want to connect to the computer, i hit yes and it reboots. the computer sees it as a mass storage device but the tomtom home application does not recognize it as a tomtom.

next step?
ok, i found that link to copy the tomtom home images to the device. i copied the folder over and the contents both to root, just to make sure. i can now hit the button to connect to computer and the tomtom home program will launch. however it still says no device connected.
i copied my tomtom's voices and such over to his and now i have all the ancillary things working. i have 800mb free on the 1gb card for maps but my maps are 2gb so i need to download a smaller map pack from tomtom. where can i do this?

to be clear i just copied all the data to the SD cards directly, not through the home application as that still does not see the device.
Sounds to me like you have way too much stuff on the unit now to load a map, and will need to pare things down a bit.

Let me back up a sec without trying to read backwards...

What size SD card did you have on the unit originally?
Where did the 2GB of maps come from? How did you establish that the map set was 2GB in size?
MY maps on my tomtomXXL is 2gb. i dont have any map files for the tomtom one so i was going to try and copy my maps to his device. he has a 1gb card in there now. i need to either A get tomtom home to see this thing and download some maps OR get someone who has smaller maps to load up with.
You cannot move maps from one device to another. They are keyed to the serial number of the device.

By ANY chance did you EVER make a backup of your original ONE 2nd to your PC? You will NEED those maps back!
no, my boss did not. he can buy new maps, im not worried about that. i just want this thing to connect to tomtom home
ha, no thats long gone. im using a USB cable. they are all the same, the cable works for my XXL and i can transfer files with it on the ONE but HOME does not see the device.
The fact is that not all USB cables are indeed the same and what works for one device may not work for another.

Can you at least try changing the usb ports on the computer and see what happens?

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