TomTom Mexico Maps

Aug 14, 2008
I would like to load maps for Mexico onto my Tom Tom. What do I have to do? Are there specific ones for Cancun, Cozumel and Playa del Carmen? Thanks, Tom
I would like to load maps for Mexico onto my Tom Tom. What do I have to do? Are there specific ones for Cancun, Cozumel and Playa del Carmen? Thanks, Tom

As far as I know there are no maps of Mexico from TT at the moment. In fact I don't know of any maps for any country South of the USA apart from Brasil on the America continent.
As far as I know there are no maps of Mexico from TT at the moment. In fact I don't know of any maps for any country South of the USA apart from Brasil on the America continent.

I thought TomTom had an NorthAmerica map? Does it not cover Mexico?

Thats amazing - North America doesn't include Mexico - I have to admit, if I had bought based on wanting North America maps, TomTom would be getting a very pointed letter.

Thanks for the headsup.

Now mexico maps

TomTom's site has now maps for Mexico but they have only detailed coverage of Mexico City an Guadalajara. I would like to know why, if this map is only 71.9Mb, the cost is the same than the USA maps that are 791.3Mb. Does anyone knows if there is a chance to dowload a trial version?
Don't believe there are such things as trial versions, not with TT maps, anyway.

As for cost? Supply and demand play a role here.
I have been attempting to reach Tomtom customer support with no luck. I am trying to find out if these maps, as others such as Garmin, also cover Monterrey. If so I would definitely buy it.
Does anyone have a non 866 # for their cust support ? (can't use it from Mexico)
The only phone number other than a 866 I found is this:

Kevin Carter, Media Relations Specialist
Tel: 978.405.1840
Email: (e-mail address removed)

You may wish to call that number and, at least, be connected with the proper department. You can also send an email by TomTom's web site.
Just a theory, but I think the absense of Mexico maps are most probably based on demand

The last 35 years i've traveled thru most of the states that make up Mexico.
Outside of major cities, the roads/highways are rarely congested. I've driven the entire distance down Mex180 from Texas to Veracruz to Cozumel. From El Paso, i've driven the Mex45-49 route all the way to Cetro, Mexico City. The majority of times my wife and I fly into Mexico City and drive from there. Wev'e driven form shore to shore and up and down both coast. Couple of times we've gone all the way into Guatemala & Belize.

Personal observation: As I mentioned, seldom have any roads i've ever traveled, would be judged "heavy traffic". The turnpike from Mexico City to the west coast is the only long stretch I remember ever seeing that had lotsa cars for a long distance. For one, I don't think Mexicans do "road trips" like we do here. Secondly, the roads are not the high speed type wer'e accustomed to. Thirdly, most family units live in fairly close proximity to each other. Therefore, cutting down on traffic. You see very few RV's, Campers,etc in Mexico. You see very few cars with luggage racks on top....
You do see allot of nice looking commercial bus lines. Not anything like the junk Greyhound buses of America. On most highways , you'll see a fairly consistant stream of ADO & UNO bus lines. I figure that's how allot of Mexicans travel.

I just don't think the Mexican population does anywhere near the kind of traveling we come to expect as natural here in the States. Their interstate highway system is not all that great and the road surface can be hazardous
for long stretches.

Anyhow, I just can't imagine Mexicans buying allot of Nav Gadgets
I have traveled in m?xico as well. Where my wife has relatives. We have traveled mostly on the East cost, down across to M?xico City further on to Acapulco. As the previous member mentioned, the Acapulco-Mexico City High way is well traveled. However, there are increasingly more people such as we who visit M?xico by automobile an whom are used to GPS devices in the United States. It stands to reason, that, if TomTom integrates good maps for M?xico; people will start using them.

I take my laptop with me when traveling. I use microsoft's product which works well for me. Though, the maps are not complete. I have been asked to buy the software for family members back in M?xico. There is a market. Last trip I made, a cousin showed me routing maps of M?xico on his gps cell phone. There are people using this stuff out there. Pehaps, tomtom feels they've missed out on the opportunity in M?xico since Garmin is there already. I am not sure.

I saw that tomtom is selling M?xico maps now and that the quality and accuracy is not that good for what they are charging. As much as I like my 720 tomtom, I am very much considering giving it up for a Garmin.
Wow, technical support sucks!!

I was going to buy a TomTom GPS for my dad who lives down in Mexico, but I wanted to know if Toluca was covered under the Mexico maps. There's no information online about it so I called tech support and I got to a lady that was incredibly rude!! She demanded for my name so I gave it to her, then yelling at me demanded I spelled it, so I did. After the third scream I decided to hang up and not buy a TomTom GPS system. When I worked at a call center doing that kind of yelling would get me fired. I hope TomTom is recording its calls and this lady gets talked to. That's not way of treating a potential customer or customer. As for me, no way going with TomTom, having rude support is the same as having no support. You have all been warned.
This forum is not affiliated with Tom Tom, inc. in any way so your post will not likely ever get seen by anyone there.

Nevertheless, there is no reason for rudeness on the part of any employee. However, don't take the 'shotgun' approach and condemn an entire product for the actions of one stupid employee.
I bought a TomTom model advertised to include Mexico "seamlessly". There were only skeletal map, e.g. major highways only. I have a home in Ensenada, a major port city in Baja California, and want local streets. I was offered and bought a $50 Mexico maps paclage. There are no Ensenada streets. I managed to get hold of customer support. Their answer: join their customer forum to get costomer info on points of interest in Mexico. I am forced to conclude that TomTom is not serious about Mexico coverage. TomTom's Mexico claims are FRAUDULENT. THEY HAVE NO INTENTION OF DELIVERING WHAT I PAID FOR. Probably the same is true for you. I would be glad to be proven wrong on this, but as of this date, that's how it is.

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