TomTom 910 - hangs/touch screen doesn't respond

Jul 25, 2008
Hi all,

I am new to the forums and I am hoping you guys can help as I am not having much luck with the support from TomTom direct...

I have a TomTom 910 and I recently purchased a new map with MapShare. The TomTom is running the latest version of the software available.

Once I had the new map installed I switched to it and then my TomTom hung, the touch screen would not respond and then it rebooted. I occassionally see an error come up "unable to access MapStore"

I tried uninstalling the new map and reinstalling it... same problem...

I backed up the TomTom... removed the original maps and tried just the new map... same problem...

I then restored the TomTom backup I had made now I have the same problem but with all maps...

I do have a backup from before I purchased the new map... I can try and restore this...

I am wondering if a reformat will help as the Unabled to access Map Store sounds like the cause of my issues

So I know have a useless TomTom... as I am a consultant and on the road pretty much all the time I need to get this fixed as quickly as possible...

Any advice will be gladly recieved

Thanks in advance
If you have not done so already, try a pin reset.

Next, I would try to restore the older backup. I would not do a reformat unless you have a really good backup of your device made with windows explorer.

If the restore works, then try to install the new map again. You did not say what model you have and what application number you were running, and what map(and version number) you had on and which one you tried to install.

If the able does not fix it, includde all this information in you next request to the forum here.

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