TomTom 510/710/910 accessories no longer listed

Dec 6, 2007
It looks like TomTom has stopped listing accessories for the TomTom Go 510, 710, and 910's since yesterday. They were there the day before and gone yesterday. I guess they really do want me to replace my 3 month old 510. :(
You are right. Just a few days ago, they still listed separately "original" products like the 510, 910, 300, 700, etc. Now that is all gone too.

Since their Map Store is still down, it remains to be seen if they have completely orphaned this segment of their customer base (and if they will extend it to all updates also).

Not a good way to treat their relatively loyal customer base, as this may only encourage more people to switch rather then go down the same road again.

PS - UK site still shows them and still offers accessories.
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I sure hope TomTom is reading this.

I've worked in the technology industry to know that advances come fast and furious, but I just can't afford to buy a new GPS unit every time they come out with one. (as much as I might sometimes want to) I hope TomTom will not only continue to support the units we already have, but when they come out with cool new accessories (I'm still holding out for the TomTom Car Connect Kit from a year ago) I hope that out units will be compatible.
Yeah, I only purchased my 510 about three months ago. It makes me a little angry to know I may get orphaned so soon. Even personal computers have a longer support time than this. Maybe I can get walmart to take the 510 back for a newer model.
Considering that they are STILL making software changes for the GO Classic (a NavCore7 update for the Classic came out a few days ago), I don't think they're really "orphaning" the 510/etc. I think their store software just sucks. :)
I am not sure where your looking, but if you go to and look under accessories enter you m/n it will give you all the accessory for the 510. if you go to the UK site it will give you even more stuff....

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