TomTom Go will not turn off or sleep
Same issue - more detail provided. Unit less than one year old. Can a new battery be supplied under guarantee? If so how does one go about it?
My TomTom developed a fault about seven days ago. When one switches off the ignition one now doesn't get the option to Turn Off or Sleep. The TomTom logo appears on the screen but with no sound. The logo reappears every two seconds again and again without sound and this continues for many minutes. Eventually it does stop. When I get in the car for a new journey it starts working normally. In detail - when I switch on the ignition for the new journey, I do get sound with the logo which appears once, and the voice description of when to turn etc. works fine. I have made two journeys with correct instruction of route being given throughout. Indicator shows battery fully charged. It seems odd that if it is a battery issue; the battery powers the flashing logo for many minutes, and works Ok on a journey, though naturally ignition is connected.
I have used the USB cable supplied with my TomTom GO in the car. I have used this cable when attached firstly to a laptop and then secondly to a pc when I tried using the TomTom dashboard, just before the fault developed.
I have tried holding the power button down for more than 30 seconds, but this does not cause the unit to turn off. Eventually, after many minutes, the logo stops flashing and the unit turns off. When I restart the fault has not cleared when the journey is over
I have successfully updated the UK & Ireland maps.
Please advise on what to do.
Any help will be gratefully appreciated.
Model TomTom Car Sat Nav GO Classic, 6 Inch, serial number X63122T00488 (0) purchased 16 June 2022 from Amazon