Taking the unit apart ?

Dec 27, 2009
Hampshire, England.
TomTom Model(s)
LIVE 1005
I have an 18month old GO LIVE 550 which has given up the ghost. I have been quoted upward of ?80 to 'have a look'.

Obviously not going that route, but is there an easy way to access the inside ( ie How do I take the back off ! ! !)
Don't do it!!

I mean that in the nicest possible way.

I am very good at repairing just about anything, but these devices are better off sent to a REPUTABLE repairer who will address any issues. The ribbon cables inside are extremely small and fragile, the catches that hold the cables are miniscule, and it's all too easy to break something, and end up with a scrap unit.

Get some quotes is my advice. ?80.00 to 'take a look' is unacceptable. You should be able to get it repaired for less than that unless there's a major component failure.

Whatever you do DO NOT EVER send it to an outfit in Sheffield called Satnavman. We did this, and had to involve the police to get our unit back. The guy is known to the police.

Satnav man Sheffield - TomTom GO GPS Car Navigation System Support Forum - Expansys USA

Either send it back to a Tomtom authorised repair outlet, or, treat yourself to a new one.
The x40/ x50 units are quite easy to take to bits, I wrote a guide with a load of pictures on how to take a 940 Live apart which can be found Here Note if you do need a new battery assuming your device is a Live equipped version it needs the five wire battery not a three wire as the plug is different, alternately cut the plug off the old battery and solder it to the new one - Mike

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