Speed Camera problem?

Memory served you very well, canderson... Indeed, here it is: Map share community - 62.8 kb and QuickGPSfix - 60.1 kb. Really small files and yet, when started, the Downloading took about 2 or 3 seconds and then comes the Installing... This went pretty normally, with the the green bar growing fast and the clock countdown descending from 20+ seconds to the mark of "12 seconds left" and the bar reaching the size of 40%. This is the point where the process always stops, seemingly frozen, except for the gyrating dial in the device's screen, which keeps turning.

Now the results;
The download started at 7:52 AM and it just finished the process with the message "DONE -- Your navigation device can be safely disconnected". And the time is... 8:37 AM. It took 45 minutes to handle a 122 kb job!
Isn't this wonderful? :)
I dread the day when I'll have to download a new map!!!... What? 48... 72 hours??? Lord have mercy!...
Thanks for information about the reset. Looking for a solution, I have researched quite a bit and found a number of complaints about this same issue but no definitive answer to resolve it.
As for the Safety Camera issue, I understand we remain in an holding pattern, like in aviation, to use the quite appropriate image you used before...:)
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Indeed. Just hope you don't run out of fuel before we get you a clear runway!
And while we wait, I'd add one other find about the update download/installing issue.
I found that this problem occurs even if I use different computers. Now, this eliminates at least one possible cause -- my computer -- and seems to point the fault to either my device OR TomTom's servers. I dare to point my finger straight and directly to the servers. Reason: I have read many complaints from other TomTom users about the same problem.
Amazingly, in spite of all the complaints, I have not come across any solution to the problem, which leaves me even more disgruntled...
Now, back to the holding pattern...;)
FWIW: There has been some motion on this, though not in any useful direction yet. Still in progress.
Good morning, canderson!

For your attention and consideration: Not to suddenly turn to rush-rush but I still wish to let you know that I'm going back to Portugal this coming weekend (Jan. 18). If being out of the US has any effect on the possibility of downloading/updating the Safety Cameras service, as it was suggested here before, then we may be losing here a golden opportunity...

On the lateral issue that I have also been discussing here, I would like to add a little twist that I just observed: Today I had a map community update with size of 1.6 Mb. The thing is, it did not stop at the usual point of 40% installation and 12 secs left, but instead it went all the way thru to 99% and 0 secs left. Once here, it went into that long spinning of the wheel without any signs of further progress or message of any kind...The time it took? Exactly the same 45 minutes as for those other 60 Kb updates... Isn't it odd?

Besides being time- and patience-consuming, what most amazes me is that no one ever made any comment or question about this issue... May it be because this is an off-topic issue and people do not wish to get involved? Or maybe I should take this issue to a new thread. What is your take, please?

Thanks for everything.
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Besides being time- and patience-consuming, what most amazes me is that no one ever made any comment or question about this issue... May it be because this is an off-topic issue and people do not wish to get involved? Or maybe I should take this issue to a new thread.
I don't think anyone in this peer-to-peer forum will be able to help you with that, new thread or not.
That is something you should discuss with TomTom.

You could always do what I do and walk away from it and get onto other things.
My PC is on 24/7 and if I get such a rogue download I may do the above or kill it and start it up as I go to bed.
The smaller ones that were getting stuck in the download were probably server issues. A 1.6MB update though -- that's a big one, and takes much longer to integrate to the device. So you traded previous poor download of the small file for a long time to process the larger one. The former shouldn't happen, but the latter does not surprise me.
Good morning, canderson!

For your attention and consideration: Not to suddenly turn to rush-rush but I still wish to let you know that I'm going back to Portugal this coming weekend (Jan. 18). If being out of the US has any effect on the possibility of downloading/updating the Safety Cameras service, as it was suggested here before, then we may be losing here a golden opportunity...

It may have been a lost opportunity, indeed.
I'm now back in Portugal, since yesterday, and the hopes that the great, extremely kind attitudes that canderson and others decided to provide this unknown nobody from an almost unknown country went up in the air like smoke in a late Fall morning... :rolleyes::(

Please, don't get me wrong! My great appreciation for your gracious involvement and commitment is intact and will not easily go away. Instead, it is TomTom's reputation that one again comes to the fore and it doesn't look any great.

TomTom's lack of response, either to resolve the issue or to provide a sensible and timely reason for not resolving it is most likely one more reflection of an old giant now heading towards the sunset... As a long time customer, I cannot help but regret it and, why not say it, feeling a little shortchanged on this particular issue.

To you, canderson, and to Arno, Andy_P and dhn, who cared enough to get involved one way or another, my sincere thanks for your kind efforts.

Best regards and thanks to you all.

P.S. - On the other issue of the time it takes to download and install even the smallest of the updates, and to address Arno's suggestion about seeking TomTom's help, at this point in time I must say I do not feel the least motivated to even attempt it. With this last experience and also from my research that shows this is a problem that goes back to at least more than one year with no known resolution, specifically with the Via 1535, I don't think they would be particularly eager or pay any particular attention to that tribulation of mine... I must swallow the pill, get my conclusions and move on!... :mad:

So long.


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