SD Card Won't Boot -- TomTom One Second Edition

Jun 1, 2011
I have a TomTom One Second Edition running application version 7.903. Everything works fine when running off internal memory.

I recently purchased a 2 GB SanDisk SDHC Card. The card works fine when plugged into my computer's card reader. It is formated as FAT32.

I would like to use the SD Card to run the device with European maps (not yet purchased). So far I have not been able to get the TomTom to run with the SD Card installed. Here is what I am doing:

With the device turned off, I insert the SD Card. After connecting to the computer by USB, I turn the device on and TomTom Home (v prompts me to update. It finds and installs application v 6.560. When I click "Done", TomTom Home indicates that the device will be automatically rebooted. The reboot starts, but does not complete. The device shows the TomTom boot screen (the word TomTom in white with logo against black background). At this point it locks up and does not boot. From here I can only reset the device, but I get the same incomplete boot as long as the SD card is inserted. If the card is removed, I can boot as usual from the internal memory.

Can anyone suggest possible actions to fix this problem? Thanks in advance!
Are you sure all the files and folders are present on the new card and in the same layout?

You say its a 2GB SDHC are you sure? 4GB and larger should be SDHC but a 2GB card should be SD only, a TomTom One cannot use the SDHC type cards.

What is the read/ write speed of the card, if its too slow the device will reject it and refuse to boot up - Mike
Mike - Thanks for your response.

I compared the directories and the SD card was missing some of the folders that were on the internal drive. I copied them over and tried to reboot, but same result.

The card says SDHC, but the packaging indicates SD only. That is consistent with the product description on Amazon, where I purchased it. So I think it is just SD. Definitely 2gb.

I don't know the speed of the card. I believe it is a class 2. Is this too slow? I couldn't find any speed / class requirements in the manual or on the TomTom site before purchasing...
Yes, Class 2 is too slow. The class should be indicated on the card by a number inside a circle. If you're going to operate off an SD card, you should be running Class 6. More than that is probably overkill.

If you can provide the direct link to the product you purchased on Amazon, please do so that we might have a peek at it.
Here's the link to the product on Amazon: SanDisk 2GB Secure Digital Card (SDSDB 2048-P36, Retail Package): Electronics

The actual card is labeled somewhat differently from what is shown on Amazon. The card I received says "SDHC". It also has a 4 in a circle, though the spec on Amazon says it is class 2.

I've tried to search Amazon for a 2 GB Class 6 SD card, but at that capacity I only find Class 2 cards. At larger capacities, I only find SDHC cards, which I understand my TomTom will not support. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced 2 to 4 gb card?
My understanding is that your model cannot handle > 2 gb SD, not SDHC card; further, the 4 in a circle means the speed of the card so, clearly, the wrong card was sent.
Actually, I think the card is mislabeled. I've tested the speed, and it seems consistent with a class 2 card. And even if the card won't boot the device, the TomTom does read / write to it through TomTom Home. So I think it must be a compatible SD card rather than SDHC. Perhaps it's a counterfeit. Anyway, it was cheap enough and I can put it to other use. So no great loss.

Wondering if anyone can recommend a card that will work.

Don't see much I like at Amazon. Here's one that's correct, but they're surely charging too much for it: Toshiba 2GB High Speed Class 6 Secure Digital Memory Card: Electronics

Here's a very inexpensive one whose specs are correct, and the price is great, but I've never heard of the outfit that makes it: MICRODIA 2 GB SDHC Class 6 Flash Memory Card XTRA 52x: Electronics

If you need a brick and mortar source, you can score a decent card at most office supply stores. It won't kill your performance to use a Class 4 if you can't find a Class 6, although some functions will operate somewhat more slowly.
Hang on.... Haven't you just bought ANOTHER SDHC card?

Maybe not... It says SDHC in the description, but not on the pictures of the card itself. As you're now discoverring, Amazon's descriptions sometimes aren't that clear!

As said above, the One cannot reliably use SDHC, you have to find a normal SD card.

Also, I'm quite surprised to see the other suggested card being refered to as Class 6. Ithought most normal SD cards didn't use the new "Class" rating for speed, but still used the older "x times speed" method.
Just go for the fastest rated one you can find, x52 should be fine.
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Yes. I noticed the discrepancy. Since it's a 2gb card, I figured it had to be an SD card, not SDHC. Figured I'd take a chance. If it doesn't work in the TomTom, I have other uses for it. I'll post results once it shows up.
Yes. I noticed the discrepancy. Since it's a 2gb card, I figured it had to be an SD card, not SDHC.
Well, it ain't necessarily so. It's entirely possible to use the SDHC standard (it's a matter of how some bits are interpreted when the card is queried by the host device) and create a 2GB card - or even smaller. But that one is dirt cheap and APPEARS to be an SD apart from the 'title' field from Amazon. Truth to tell, SD (vs SDHC) cards are getting harder to find in a decent speed rating. I guess they assume everyone with a device old enough to require one stocked up ages ago.
I received the card today, and both the packaging and the card itself clearly indicate that it is a 52X SD card. There's no mention of SDHC or Class 6. More importantly, it passed the real test: it works just fine in the TomTom.

Thanks to everyone who helped me sort this out!
Excellent. Good to hear it was only an Amazon typo. A "52X" will be more than adequate for what you're doing with it. The read speed for a 52X card is 7.8 megabytes / second ... and unlike a digital camera where write speed is actually more important, read is what counts here. That will keep your TomTom happy.

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