Screen graphics kinda outdated

Feb 11, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
Tomtom One XLS
Hi I am a new member I came across this site by fluke but I would like to say this place is a great resource centre for tomtom gps owners. I bought a tomtom one xls over the holidays on sale at bestbuy in the begining it was sorta cool getting familiar with the features. First thing was getting it updated with tomtom home etc. , now getting to my point these portable gps units have been popping up everywhere and I cannot help but compare them to the ones my friends have. I am happy with mine it does what its suppose to but the graphics of the map are kinda hurting, it reminds me of my Tandy 1000 cga monitor I had in 1985. My friends with less expensive units from costco and other places graphics seems up to par with todays technology. Is there anything we can do or upgrades around to like update the quality of the screen on this thing its embarassing to the point i might buy another gps unit.
Hmm... I don't have any issues with the graphics. Sure the maps are not 65million colors, but that's the maps - not the screen. My start up images look very nice and clear... *shrug* To each their own, I guess. ;)
What is GPS used for?

I just got back from a 6 day trip driving around Florida. We had a MIO GPS that had really nice graphics. The maps looked great. It was fun to play with.

We also had a TT ONE LE. We used the TT ONE for driving. It just worked better at giving us good driving instructions. It got us where we wanted to go with the least amount of effort and it was easier following it's directions.

When not driving the TT can also be useful. I have two games on mine plus a movie player and a slideshow picture viewer thanks to the LINUX operating system and support from software developers.
Thanks for mentioning that the TomTom was more acurate than the MIO. Good to hear an actual comparison. When in WallaWalla, WA last week, someone mentioned that none of the GPS brands do well there. Possibly something to do with house numbering on the shorter streets (just a guess).
When not driving the TT can also be useful. I have two games on mine plus a movie player and a slideshow picture viewer thanks to the LINUX operating system and support from software developers.

I have been using linux as a desktop OS since 2003. When I purchased my TT I had no idea it ran linux, but was not shocked when I found out. I am interested in getting mplayer installed but the only link I have come across this far lead to a french, I think, site. Do you have an bookmarks you could send my way? I would like to read more and see what GNU applications I can install.
I have been using linux as a desktop OS since 2003. When I purchased my TT I had no idea it ran linux, but was not shocked when I found out. I am interested in getting mplayer installed but the only link I have come across this far lead to a french, I think, site. Do you have an bookmarks you could send my way? I would like to read more and see what GNU applications I can install.

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