in the last period my Rider 550, after every update (software or simply Velox), suffers bluetooth connecction problems with my Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE.
The only way to reconnect to the phone, to the TOM TOM Account and Traffic services, seems to be:
factory reset of the Rider,
deletion of the bluetooth pairing on the phone
uninstall of the Mydrive app on the phone
Reinstallation of Mydrive app
new bluetooth pairing.
Anyone else in the same situation?
Can anyone please suggest a definitive solution?
Thanks in advance,
in the last period my Rider 550, after every update (software or simply Velox), suffers bluetooth connecction problems with my Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE.
The only way to reconnect to the phone, to the TOM TOM Account and Traffic services, seems to be:
factory reset of the Rider,
deletion of the bluetooth pairing on the phone
uninstall of the Mydrive app on the phone
Reinstallation of Mydrive app
new bluetooth pairing.
Anyone else in the same situation?
Can anyone please suggest a definitive solution?
Thanks in advance,