Précision sur "Go Navigation"

Mar 18, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/fr.png" alt="France" /> France
TomTom Model(s)
GO Discover

J'ai installé la version d'essai de "Go Navigation" ce matin, mais si je marque une destination, par exemple étant à Lyon pour me rendre à Saint Junien (87200), cela me dit "L'emplacement est hors de la carte actuelle", donc je ne peux pas essayer l'application, par contre cela fonctionne avec les villes situées proches de chez moi dans le quart Sud-Est.

D'autre part J'ai quelques questions à propos de cette application Go Navigation, parce qu'il y a des choses que je n'arrive pas à trouver.

- Comment entrer des coordonnées géographique ?
- Comment activer les alertes de zones dangereuses ?
- Comment stocker des destinations dans mes lieux ?
- Comment passer en 2D ?
- Comment afficher la vitesse GPS ?

Nota : si je prend dans mes lieux (déjà stocker avec mes autres GPS) ou , cela trouve mes lieux et fonctionne dans le quart Sud-Est mais ne veux pas fonctionner en dehors de ce quart Sud-Est.


You must not have installed the map zones on the application.

Install the France South-West zone.

in future, please communicate here in English as that is the format for this forum.

à l'avenir, veuillez communiquer ici en anglais car c'est le format de ce forum.
Is there a forum in French?

in future, please communicate here in English as that is the format for this forum.

à l'avenir, veuillez communiquer ici en anglais car c'est le format de ce forum.
Is there a forum in French?

I installed the only complete French map that is offered??? I had no other choice offered???
To answer your questions

- How to enter geographic coordinates?
Click search then complete map.

- How to activate alerts for dangerous areas?
Settings then sounds and alerts select alert and sounds.

- How to store destinations in my places?
Select a place on the map then the 4 points add to my places.

- How to switch to 2D?
Press the arrow that represents a compass.
Thanks very much,

It is ok except for switching in 2D, I can't see the compass on the screen ???
For all of France there are 5 map zones to install.

Ok, I haven't that proposal, so it is may be because I am on the trial version ????
To answer your questions

- How to enter geographic coordinates?
Click search then complete map.

- How to activate alerts for dangerous areas?
Settings then sounds and alerts select alert and sounds.

- How to store destinations in my places?
Select a place on the map then the 4 points add to my places.

- How to switch to 2D?
Press the arrow that represents a compass.
If I press on the arrow that represent a compass, I activate only a zoom in
Normally no, you should be able to install all available maps
GO navigation offers you the area that represents your position for the other areas it is up to you to add the additional areas.

Parameter then map > click on maps download then on add select the maps to add.

Ok thanks again, I will try that later, because I have to go out right now.

Is there a solution for GPS speed during driving ???
You said :
<<Normally no, you should be able to install all available maps
GO navigation offers you the area that represents your position for the other areas it is up to you to add the additional areas.
Parameter then map > click on maps download then on add select the maps to add.>>

If I go on Parameter then Map it says that it is the last Europe Map that is load, and I don't have another offer.

Do you think it could be because I use the trial application ????

If I go on Parameter then Map it says that it is the last Europe Map that is load, and I don't have another offer.
No, not all the maps of Europe are installed on your smartphone.

At the bottom of your phone you have a button << ADD >> select the areas of France that you are missing then download.
Oh yes !!! I found via Europe then ADD, then again Europe and then France/Monaco, then select all.

I must say you are really efficient.:)

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