Possible to backup only changed files on XXL 540 to computer?

Feb 18, 2011
Murphy, NC, USA
TomTom Model(s)
Just got the XXL 540 and did a backup of whole contents of device to my computer. I have put a couple of Itineraries on it but have not yet updated it at all.
Possible to just copy changed folders over to my backup? I have Beyond Compare to compare contents to backup.
I also did a TomTom Home software backup to a separate folder.
Another question:
I can only update between 2 AM and 7 AM because I have satellite ISP so I want it to go smoothly. Should I wipe the device clean before the update or just let TomTom Home software and the web site handle it all. I don't want to get to the end of downloading and find out there's no more room on the device. Have U.S. maps version.
Can you resume download? We are also throttled as far as speed.
Is there a FAQ for new users or a thread on what to do when you first get your TomTom?
Thanks in advance. :)
Welcome to TTF.

Hopefully, the backup was made with Explorer, not Home.

We suggest backing up prior to major updates like an application and especially a map.

You do not need to wipe the unit clean before an update. In fact, DON'T do it. You'll wipe out necessary files that aren't replaced by an update of an application.

It really isn't necessary to do a backup for every little change but you certainly could use Explorer to copy new itneraries created, for example to the existing itn folder on your computer's Explorer backup.
I have put a couple of Itineraries on it but have not yet updated it at all.
Possible to just copy changed folders over to my backup? I have Beyond Compare to compare contents to backup.
If you copy the "itn" folder from your unit to your PC, you'll have backups of your itineraries.

I do not recommend incremental backups. The idea is to always keep that one stake in the ground that represents the last known working version of your unit just prior to updating it (in case things go south). Allowing automatic incremental updates always risks overwriting something, only to find out that your unit wasn't as stable as you thought it was.

I can only update between 2 AM and 7 AM because I have satellite ISP so I want it to go smoothly. Should I wipe the device clean before the update or just let TomTom Home software and the web site handle it all. I don't want to get to the end of downloading and find out there's no more room on the device. Have U.S. maps version.
Can you resume download? We are also throttled as far as speed.
What kind of speed are you getting over that satellite connection? It can take a good hour and a half to pull down a new map on a hard wired connection... longer if you try to grab it when they're first released and TomTom's servers are being swamped.

Ideally, an update is supposed to resume if interrupted. Doesn't always work out that way. Be SURE that your PC is set up so that it doesn't try to go to sleep from lack of keyboard activity or something. Bummer on trying to go satellite. That's often slow.

Do NOT wipe your device clean. The only time you should run into problems with lack of space is if the process is aborted and you're using a Mac and Home to do the update and the old map data winds up stuck in a ".trash" can on your TomTom. The old map should be deleted by Home before it tries to write the new map to your TomTom. Just be sure you do the backup of your unit to your PC before updating maps or firmware.
canderson and others: Thanks for your help. Great forum here.
It turns out that I was able to resume my download from the other night and finish it off last night between 2 AM and 7 AM.
All went well. :D

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