POI Manager (OS X) Suggestions

Jan 14, 2009
Lynn, MA
TomTom Model(s)
GO 910
I think I posted this in the wrong forum, so here it is

I am in the process of creating a POI Manager for TomTom Devices for use on Mac OSX.

I have the UI created and it can be seen (still a work in progress) at http://josephcrawford.com/TTPOIM/TTPOIM.jpg

I need to ask some questions on how you guys think things should work.

As users you might have some insight that I do not.

I am going to have it work in 1 of 2 ways.

1.) You will be able to add files to the manager (import) and it will store the values in flat files on the hard drive. You will then be able to send the files to the device in which it would write the file in the POI format and then copy it over to your device.

2.) You will be able to add files to the manager (import) and it will store the values in OV2 files on the hard drive. You would then be able to send them to your device.

The main difference between the 2 methods is that method 1 you would not be able to manually put the file on the device because it would not be an ov2 file.

The downside to method 2 is that everytime you open the program it will have to read all of the OV2 files that are stored on your computer in a directory and before closing it would have to save them all.

As users which step do you think would be best?
Well OSX user here...and we don't have a POI program like poiedit so I'm interested to say then least.

hmmm....something I don't understand..if it creates an OV2 file why can't you put it on the TT yourself? I do this all the time.
You could put it on the TomTom yourself.

In the beginning you will have to save/export the file as ov2 so that you could put the file on the TomTom.

Here is the latest shot of what is to come. Note that some features are still planned for integration such as noticing when the device is connected, sending files to the device, I also plan on showing you the address in the UI and allowing you to enter the address and have it lookup the lat/lon and vice versa.


This is working with a sample file currently however you will have the ability to add files, create new files, save files, import csv, export csv, etc.

Also the information in the google maps will change and show the address of the location and not just the name.

Let me know if there is any features that you have in mind for the application.
When I am finished with the App it will do that. Currently I am working on the ability to read/write ov2 files and after using the app to look at several POI files that are freely available on the web those ones do not follow the tom tom standards of using record type 2. My app will ignore any records which are not of type 2 at the time of release.

It will however read POI files and return all proper type 2 records.

I will work on the CSV imports as soon as I am done with this stuff. I will have to determine what format the CSV file should be in as well, or figure out a way to let you specify the order of the data in the CSV that you are going to import.

POI Manger needed

As Statman said earlier in the forum, there is no POI program for Macs except POI Organizer and it will not work with the new Snow OS. Would you consider taking your app one step further and include GPX? This way most GPS units could utilize your program. I know I've been waiting for someone who knows how to program to create an app for Mac users. Let me know if I can do any beta testing for you with Garmins.


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