POI display setting

Dec 31, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/cz.png" alt="Czech Republic" /> Czech Republic
TomTom Model(s)
Via 135
Hello every one.
I have TomTom VIA 135. I tried to confure the device so I would have a different setting for POI display in 3D map while driving and 2D map.
I have selected all POIs I wanted to be displayed in 2D in Options - Choose POI menu.
Then I went to Settings - Display POI on map and there I selected all POIs I wanted to be visible in 3D map after, after selecting these I have choosed 3D option.

Since I want more POIs visible in 3D then in 2D map, then I have hecked the 2D map and there were also the POIs only for 3D visible as well.

What is the proper way how I can get the different settings for 2D/3D?

I wonder why TomTom did not make two boxes for each catagory so it will be easy to see and configure what is visible in 2D, what is visible in 3D......

And also, I am wondering what file format is used for maps in TomTom Via? I have currently original Europe map in the device, but since there is a micro SD slot, is it possible to use a map of (lets say) US, Canada by downlowding it from Google or elsewhere?

Many thanks.
To use a map of the United States or Canada, you must purchase it on the Tomtom website.
FYI, there is no longer a map of the United States or Canada.
You must purchase the world map.

The POIs visible on the map are limited to your current location.
Hmm. I am not corcern about what POI are nearby. The thing I am up to is to have different setting for dispalying the POI.

For ilustration, that in the device there are currently 100 cathegories of POI, from these I want some of these (lets say 50) displayed in 3D and from them I want 30 displayed only in 2D.
If I choose these 50 for 3D, I see then also all of these in 2D, which I do not want.
If I choose these 30 for 2D, I do not see the remaining 20 in 3D, and I do not want that either.

I hope that my problem is a littler clearer.

So you say thet there is no way how i could download a map from Google, OpenStreetmap or Mapy so it would work on micro SD card in TomTom?
I don't understand your problem with your POIs in 2D or 3D?
Whether you are in 2 or 3D your GPS must display your POIs exactly the same.
The issue is how i can manage different setting for POI display on 2d and 3d.
So lets say that I have choosen 50 POI categories that I want to be visible on 3D map, but from these 50 categoeires I have selected 30 categories to be visible ONLY on 2D map.

So if I select these 30 categories I want ONLY on 2D map, I can see them on 3d either (and i want to see them on 3D).

And vice versa, if I select these 50 categories I want to see ONLY on 3D map, I see then also on 2D map, where I do NOT want to see them.
The instruction manual https://download.tomtom.com/open/manuals/non-LIVE/refman/TomTom-EU-non-LIVE-RG-en-gb.pdf say on page 43 that separate configuration is possible, but it does not work in reality.

The setting is strangly programmed, you sellect the categories which you want to see, confirm the selection and in next screen you are asked whether this selection shall be for 2d or 3D. But it seems that the change is in both maps, neverthless what you pick.

Is the developers program this so you would have for each categorie two boxes (one for 2d the second for 3d) and you could tick none, one or both, according to what you need, it would be easy and simply. The way they made it is horrible.
I think you are misunderstanding what page 43 is trying to convey.

You can't select DIFFERENT POIs for 2D and 3D. You can only select which ones will be displayed (step 1), and whether those will appear at all in 2D and/or 3D (step 4).

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