New Tom Tom One owner, just about..

Nov 24, 2007
North Central Texas
TomTom Model(s)
Tom Tom 1 LE
I ordered a new TT1 and should be getting it in a few days. I am not new to GPS, I have had a Garmin eMap for about 7 yrs. and it was/is fun.. I look forward to using the TT1 and the features it offers and learning everything I can from this board...
One question, what is the difference between a TT1, TT1 v.2 and TT1 v.3? Are those just updated map release's or what?


Hello Jim and welcome. Hope your ONE arrives soon.

The are different versions of the ONE.
The ONE v1 came out for Europe only and was available in black.

Then ONE v2 came out for North America and Europe. This is the ONE we all know and maps are available on a SD card. There was a different version of the ONE v2 where the maps were installed within the internal flash drive but a SD slot was available.

The ONE v3 is the newest ONE model. However, this unit comes with the internal memory and no SD card slot.

Thanks for the informaiton...
Can you update the maps without having to buy a new SD card? I'm guessing the SD cards (with maps) are not cheap....

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yes you can. As long as your unit has the capacity to hold the map.
I always like to purchase a new blank SD card and install the new map there.
My ONE has the original map in the original SD card and I have the new SD card with a new map than the one it came with. This way I can switch back and forth if I need to.

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