New style TomToms - Emergency Recovery Mode - Discussion

great easy instruction
These recovery mode instructions do not work at my TT Go Live 1005.
I do get the screen with the www.tomtom/getstarted remark and the maintenance toolbox sign, but every attempt to connect to the device just fails. Leaving the device connected has no result either, the application displays : "reageert niet" (no reaction) If left connected the device restarts on its own, tries to connects and mydrive connect redisplays the "no reaction" comment after attempting to connect. ("er wordt verbinding gemaakt" (establishing connection)

The cable, driver etc are checked again and again and are working well with other devices.
Any other ideas on how to resolve this issue?
I really hate to spend another 100 euro on this crappy procedure fix. The problem occurred right after a live services update and I feel kind of robbed.
Pressing the on/off button for a long time just makes the TT produce a click and causes immediate shutdown. The black screen/white text never comes.
Battery is still OK. If left alone the device restarts at its own will and produces the drum roll at irregular intervals all night and day long. Hurray !
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Hold the power button till you hear the drum sounds and KEEP holding the button another 10-15 seconds till you get to the diagnostic screen. Then it is a quick tap-tap-tap within a second to get to the recovery mode.
Thanks for the reply, but as I already mentioned in my post there is no diagnostic screen, the unit just produces a click and shuts down instantly.
Well, try support:

du lundi au vendredi de 09h00 à 17h30

Maandag t/m vrijdag van 09.00 tot 18.30
This is a really great idea!
Thanks a lot for this information !

I really fear to hear the comment that I will have to ship the device for service, but it is a good idea to try this.
Hopefully their first line support people will put me through to really helpful people instead of keeping asking stupid questions and telling about procedures that are well explained here and elsewhere on the net.
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The problem is not repairable online. Will have to ship the device as thought.
I need to say that support was VERY helpful and no stupid questions were asked.
Instead of being sure not to repair the go live I am now hesitating, as support was really ok and sticking with TT looks like a good idea again..
I have raised an issue on case #3031230.

Recovery mode is not working and I have proved that it is NOT a hardware issue, it is the software that is not allowing the connection, therefore, as this appears to be a unique case, you should accept the device back for a software correction.

I reiterate that when connected to power, the device works correctly and I am able to use it on journeys. The issue is that if driving over a bump the power is disconnected, the unit powers down even with >50% of battery storage. The lead works with My Drive for normal updating, but the software does not see the connection when in recovery mode, even though the computer sees the connection and tries to connect. Your software guys WILL be able to effect the repair, but it will almost certainly need to be done "in-house".

As stated previously to the help desk, I believe the software has been deliberately "nerfed" to show a false battery condition in order to "push" for the purchase of a new product, just like Apple did with the iPhone
It may be that the mini plug has become loose, when driving the plug disconnects.
@dhn Maybe not, but other users may be experiencing the same problem. (I had copy/pasted from their help desk messaging app.)

@Willy875 I have three Tom Tom leads, as well as other leads that fit. All these leads work when connecting the device to My Drive on the computer, it's only when I try the "recover" method that connection fails from the device. The computer recognises that a connection has been made and tries to connect, but the device shows the red X on the display.

They persistently tell me it's a hardware problem, but as the connection works via My Drive, it obviously isn't a hardware problem.
@Willy875 I have three Tom Tom leads, as well as other leads that fit. All these leads work when connecting the device to My Drive on the computer, it's only when I try the "recover" method that connection fails from the device. The computer recognises that a connection has been made and tries to connect, but the device shows the red X on the display.
I'm not talking about the cables but about the mini plugs that are on the back of the GPS or the support.
Then why does it work for normal updating via My Drive and why does it report low battery and shut down when the battery is 75% full?
No, the issue is that it powers down due to a low battery, even with more than 50% battery power remaining.

It has absolutely nothing to do with with loose mini plugs or any other connection.
No, the issue is that it powers down due to a low battery, even with more than 50% battery power remaining.

It has absolutely nothing to do with with loose mini plugs or any other connection.
Battery % isn't a very real number, as I had to explain to someone else yesterday. Over time, these batteries lose capacity. What the % reflects as much as anything is voltage, not capacity, and 50% of not much is 'half not much'. The only way to put together a half meaningful % is to do what is often done with laptops and do a full charge/discharge/charge cycle to see what the present capacity really is, and guess from that based upon usage.

If you're running on your original battery in that 6100, it may well be about knackered by now. There's a good chance that it's about 8 years old.

The real question is how long the device continues to run if you manually pull the plug on it and require it to continue operating (vs. selecting sleep mode or power down). Please advice number rough number of minutes you get. That will tell us a lot.
Battery % isn't a very real number, as I had to explain to someone else yesterday. Over time, these batteries lose capacity. What the % reflects as much as anything is voltage, not capacity, and 50% of not much is 'half not much'. The only way to put together a half meaningful % is to do what is often done with laptops and do a full charge/discharge/charge cycle to see what the present capacity really is, and guess from that based upon usage.

If you're running on your original battery in that 6100, it may well be about knackered by now. There's a good chance that it's about 8 years old.

The real question is how long the device continues to run if you manually pull the plug on it and require it to continue operating (vs. selecting sleep mode or power down). Please advice number rough number of minutes you get. That will tell us a lot.
Thank you for that, it kinda makes sense. With the battery showing 100%, I received a low battery warning at 20 seconds. A second warning at 45 seconds and it shut down at 1 minute. The device will not turn back on with the power disconnected. When I reconnect the power, the battery % is showing as 92%.

I guess I need someone who is able to supply and fit a new battery if what you say is correct.

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