Nav 6 and Treo 700p incoming calls

Dec 21, 2006
When I have Navigator running on my treo and receive an incoming call, navigator does not resume when the call ends. I have to restart navigator and wait on it to connect to the gps. Is this normal? Any work arounds?
I too have a Tero 700P and just recently purchased Nav6 & Holux GPSlim236 BT reciever.

When the phone rings it jumps out of Nav6 and takes the call. I then have to relaunch Navigator. :( It was my understanding that it would automatically return to the Navigator screen.
Is this problem a function of the Palm operating software or the Navigator software? I'm guessing it's the Palm software (don't think the Palm OS can multitask...either phone or GPS, but not both at the same time). I saw something on the TomTom site about it leaving the map up on the screen while taking a call, which leads me to believe that it will work that way with some units, but perhaps not for the Palm OS.
I have a 650 and have the same problem. I was told by TomTom support to reinstall the software, but that hasn't changed anything. I just wrote to them again and am waiting for an answer.
there is no way to disable this feature, the treo 700p shuts tomtom down because it cannot run both at the same time, this is also encrypted into the software so your not driving, navigating and talking at the same time, i know its pretty gay

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