Maps automatically Rotate at stoplight

Oct 18, 2009
I've a brand new XL 340-S and occasionally the map will rotate while I am stopped at a stop light or gas station. This caused it to tell me to turn left instead of right today. I know it seems silly to ask but is this normal and is there any way to turn it off?
Come to think of it, the gas station had an overhang so the GPS must have lost signal to some extent. Still, it is disconcerting for the unit to spin the map in this manner. I would prefer it simply leave the map oriented as it was when the signal was lost.
Does your model have a preference-->Map View-->2D -->Track North? Should stop the spinning.
Well, the 3D map rotates as you make a left or right turn, that's how it is supposed to work.
I have seen this happen mostly in the city. My guess is that the GPS signals are mulitpathing due to reflections from the buildings. While you are sitting still, the reflected signal makes the TT think you moved a random direction. Therefore, it rotates the map to keep that direction "up".

Yes, in a citty where streets are close together, it can be confusing. Get in the habit of noting where you should go by glancing at the map when coming to a stop.
I suppose I could understand that in your area, but this is a small town where the buildings are no more than 2 story block. I think the issue is more one of what the unit does when it looses a signal.
Tomtoms assume you continue to move when it loses a signal. It probably lost signal, thought you went through the intersection, and rotated when it regained signal because it thought you were driving back from beyond the intersection to your real spot.
If the GPS doesn't have a strong (blue) lock on at least 4 satellites, then it may not have a very accurate fix on your positon and/or direction. This could occur if your GPS doesn't have a clear "view" of the sky because of certain types of windshields or other obstructions. This may also be the case if it just powered up and haven't yet gotten a lock from satellites.

I'm assuming you have the GPS located in a decent place in the car? Somewhere on the dash...

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