Map corrections, can you close a road between two cross roads?

Feb 21, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Tom Tom go live 1535M
Today I tried to make a map correction involving country highway C Wilmot Road in Kenosha WI. It has been closed from its intersection with 160th ave to it's intersection with 114th avenue for months.

I was hoping that I could make a correction using these two points closing everything in between, but the only way I can find is to close each section of Wilmot rd between crossroads one by one. I can't just close between these two crossroads.

Is there a way to do this (close from x intersection to y intersection) or am I right that you have to close every section where it meets another road individually?
Smaerd, I can't say with certainty about the particular stretch of road to which you refer, but I can say that for me it has been most often true -- you "have to close every section where it meets another road individually."
Not sure how many segments it is taking you to do it, but I think the same job can be done with just several changes to various intersections' turn restrictions.

One at 114th (1)
One at each frontage road (3) and
One at each ramp (5) and
One at 136th (6) and
One at 160th (7).

Not knowing how many segments that section of Wilmot is chopped up into, I don't know if it's easier to do one or the other, but both will work. In fact, care should be used when blocking roads entirely such that you don't wind up making it impossible, for example, to route north on 136th Ave up into 90th St, 91st St. and 92nd St.
I was hoping that I could make a correction using these two points closing everything in between, but the only way I can find is to close each section of Wilmot rd between crossroads one by one. I can't just close between these two crossroads.

Is there a way to do this (close from x intersection to y intersection) or am I right that you have to close every section where it meets another road individually?

You can't choose two specific point to "close" between, you have to use their pre-defined road segments, but I'm sure you USED to be able to select more than one segment at once.

Either I'm remembering it wrong or they have changed it, but I thought you could do it in the same way as when correcting the road speed.

Try doing that to see what I mean (you don't have to actually complete the change). Once you have selected the road you want to change the speed of, it then asks you if the highlighted section is correct, and if it's not, you can edit it to select or deselect various sections to get roughly the region you want to change.

Can anyone remember if that was ever possible for road closures too?
I may have misunderstood, but yes, you can select (and deselect) multiple segments of road that the TomTom will light up green (selected) or normal color of road (not selected), so if the OP was doing these one at a time instead, and I misunderstood his actual activity, then yes, that's a much better solution for him.

Since the instructions talk about selecting segments when making changes, I had assumed that it was the selection of so many road segments that was making him crazy, and I wondered if there were so many that turn restrictions would be faster. Normally, there aren't any segments between intersections, so your assumption may have been correct.
I do not have the option "Edit" after chosing the road segment to Block/Unblock -- unless it's hidden somewhere. Zooming in or out on the segments doesn't affect segment length selectibility either. The only choice I have when closing a section of road - for example 2 miles in length with various interviening intersections - is to close each segment which, in my example, could contain varying numbers of segments.

The option to Edit *segments* does exist when making Speed changes. But I don't think that is what the OP was asking about in his first post.

Perhaps I'm missing something?
I may have misunderstood, but yes, you can select (and deselect) multiple segments of road that the TomTom will light up green (selected) or normal color of road (not selected),

Are you sure mate? I thought so too.

But when I went to look before I replied, I found I COULD select several road sections when in the "Change speed" correction section, but I couldn't when I was in the "Block road" page. As the OP says, there's no "Edit" facility.
I just realized that the OP has a 1535, and Nav3 definitely won't allow for it. You can select one at a time anywhere on the map, but not more than one. I'm thinking Nav2.

I need to dig out the trusty 740 and see why I was remembering this. Some time back in the summer, an entire road was ceded to local residents who then gated it off (one WE paid for with our county tax money!), and I had to knock out the whole thing. Had to cut off access at 4 different points, and I do not remember having to go through the whole exercise 4 different times.

Anyway, it may well be that it's quicker for him to manage this with turn restrictions. Will also assure other cross-streets don't get messed up.
I just realized that the OP has a 1535, and Nav3 definitely won't allow for it. You can select one at a time anywhere on the map, but not more than one. I'm thinking Nav2.

I need to dig out the trusty 740 .

Think you'll find it doesn't work on that either!

That's why I'm interested to know if it's a change in functionality or we're just rembering it wrongly.

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