Itinerary Planning In Google Map and transfer to TOMTOM

Jun 13, 2010
Here is a good web site where you can download a program call TYRE.
Tyre Help

Using this program work with Google map, you can plan, view your trip itinerary on Google map.

After that you can optimize your route using this web below.
TSP Solver for Google Maps

Save you itinerary with name. Eg. San Francisco tour.

Final your itinerary and transfer it to your TomTom by connecting your TOMTOM device to your Computer.

From TOMTOM unit, load you itinerary and start to enjoy your tour.
Of course you can always change you route sequence in TomTom device.


After that you can optimize your route using this web below.
TSP Solver for Google Maps
Save you itinerary with name. Eg. San Francisco tour.
I tried it without transferring to TomTom.
On a few 4 - 5 stop trips it's done really well but did nothing, rather wiped out all point of my last year 9000 mile trip to the West and South.
I don't know if houghi changed but I gave up on it about a year ago as it would not run on my machine.
For that matter, I haven't been able to load a Google itn onto my TomTom unless I use it in Internet Explorer (my default is Firefox).
None the less, I still prefer to make custom POIs as I may change my route at the drop of a hat when I say to SWMBO "this looks better than that" or "I didn't know we are that close".
This way I won''t have Kate balk at me for not following directions.

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