Issues/problems with map 915

Hi Andy,
That's true, I could try and do that, the only thing is I'm afraid that if there was some kind of problem in the process of copying the file to the computer I could risk ending up with an empty or otherwise useless file... It would definitely not be the end of the world but a nuisance that I'll probably will be forced to accept if and when I really need to recover the file back to the GPS machine. On the bright side though, I copied the file twice and the situation remained the same, 4 KB and 3 KB at the source and 5 KB and 1 KB at the destination (being the computer).
Guess I'll leave it at that for the time being.
Thanks for all your patience and help.
If you want to try an experiment... make new copies of the copies you made to the PC, change the file names to something else and then put them back on the TomTom.
Everything look good? If you look at "Edit POI" does the list of entries look the same as the originals?
Speaking of maps... I bought my Via 1535TM with the North America map. Later on I purchased the map for Iberia. Just to be sure, are they both on the TomTom server or just the one that came with the machine? And what about my settings, Favorites and the like? Are they also available from the TomTom servers or do I have to keep these safe at my side?.
If one ever disappears (or you accidentally delete it), it will show up in MyTomTom as in your "Account" instead of "Installed" on your unit. It will then be available for reinstallation.

Having maps available this way is actually quite convenient since it may be necessary for some users to shuffle maps on/off the unit to make space when they travel. Not all of the more recent units have uSD card slots to allow for crazy large map sets to be installed.
Forgive please if this is obvious or covered on the forum, please delete it if it's redundant:

Would it also be prudent to suggest to downloaders with MyTomTom to clear their cache once the map is installed and everything checks out? I noticed yesterday that after routine defragging with PerfectDisk I still had a large area of fragmentation and that the PD file arrangement plan was skewed because of the location of the fragmented area. It took much longer to defrag than usual. Upon scanning that area with PD, it turned out to be the map file. Clearing the cache allowed PD to finish defragging and ordering the files.

Apparently, the map download is quite difficult to do anything with. It's not a big deal, but the size and nature of the download might increase the time and wear necessary for maintenance chores on your computer.

Sorry if I've erred! Kyuzo.
Good advice for all but those who are dealing with segmented maps. In such 'segmented' cases caused by lack of device memory, it's nice not to have to download the maps again when swapping back and forth between them on the unit.

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