I have a confession to make now. I love my TomTom but I also have a Garmin Nuvi 350. The Garmin Nuvi 350 has a awesome collection of POIs and the TomTom's... well the TomTom is lacking in that department. Okay now that you know my dillemma, I'm wondering if there's a way to export POIs from Google Earth and importing it onto my TomTom. I figure this would be a great way to get POIs onto the TomTom. Now the problem is what's the best way to do this? I don't want to manually enter every restaurant/store/park one by one for my hometown and every other city I plan to visit
I tried using "Tyre" but it doesn't seem to work that great? I also tried using poiedit and poi2go but I don't want to create a ov2 for every store/restaurant chain out there. Is there better solutions to doing this?
Thanks for reading.
I tried using "Tyre" but it doesn't seem to work that great? I also tried using poiedit and poi2go but I don't want to create a ov2 for every store/restaurant chain out there. Is there better solutions to doing this?
Thanks for reading.