house #s all off slightly


May 22, 2008
No matter where I navigate to all the address seem to by wrong on my tomtom one 3rd gen. The streets are all right it just points me to something slightly down the road. Any ideas?
It is most likely caused by the map having the wrong range of addresses for the street. For instance, my street has addresses from 1 to 27, but TT maps think the range on my street is 1 - 99. It guesstimates the addresses by how far down the street vs. the range of addresses it has listed. So, while 27 should be at the end of the road, it is "found" much earlier.

I have reported the wrong range via MapShare: Existing Street / Wrong or missing house numbers...and reported the right range, but I doubt that will get incorporated any time soon.
No matter where I navigate to all the address seem to by wrong on my tomtom one 3rd gen. The streets are all right it just points me to something slightly down the road. Any ideas?
There's no way that addresses can be accurately located all of the time. That would require geocoding every address in North america.

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