Help with Tyre and moving waypoints

Aug 13, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
Go 720
Hello all,

I loaded an itinerary from the tom tom site for the blue ridge parkway in NC. I open the itinerary in tyre and want to add my home address at the STARTING waypoint. Now this route is very long so my address appears at the bottom of the route and i can see where you can click "up" to move it up but is there a faster way? i cant drag it up on the left side. and there are too many way points to keep clicking up. I hope i explained myself well enough, please let me know.

ill answer my own question since i figured it out. When you open the itinerary file in Tyre, right there you can use the arrows up and down to change the way points BEFORE you "show" the route in Google maps. Easy enough.
You don't have to add Home as a starting point unless you want to start the journey VIA Home (from somewhere else).:)
You don't have to add Home as a starting point unless you want to start the journey VIA Home (from somewhere else).:)

since the itinerary is NC and i live in new york my home would HAVE to be the starting point. ;)

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