Handsfree Calling fixed yet?

May 25, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
One of the recent updates for the 910 completely fouled up the audio for handsfree calling over Bluetooth.

I reverted back to the last good known updates because I use this feature frequently and it was no good being messed up.

Has anyone had a recent update that has fixed the Bluetooth handsfree calling audio?
If you are referring to phone audio being fed to the line-out, then No. I have OS v7.162.

I was specifically referring to the terrible audio with your callers unable to hear you clearly and the call breaking up. But what you mentioned was also annoying.
Phone audio quality and other sound quality issues with the built-in MP3 player are solved with OS7.162. It indeed sucks that phone audio no longer works via the audio out port. It's been ages since I've written software but I think this is something quite simple since it was working very well with OS6.65.
Excellent! Thanks for the update. Anybody know if TomTom is planning on addressing the line out issue?
910 audio + Ver7.1X - No Joy from TomTom Support

I have loaded software version 6.525 on my 910 per Tomtom support department direction. The support department posted the software up on the tomtom site for me to download, so they know about this problem. They say it is the only software that supports hands-free via FM transmitter/Bluetooth/Line- out and from what I have seen, they are right. 7.162 does not support hands free through FM transmitter/Bluetooth/Line-out and outgoing sound quality from the blue-tooth is horrible with 7.162. With version 6.525 I lose some of the features, like auto power off, but I gain the hands free ausio over my stereo, which is well worth the trade-off in my opinion I have asked Tomtom support repeatedly as to when the patch will come out to fix the audio problem in software versions 7.x but I get absolutely no response to that question. Almost as if they would wish I would go away....Hmmm ...Bottom line is that I believe tomtom is done supporting the GO-X10 units and have moved on to the GO-X20 as the main focus of support. So we have what we have with Software 6.525. If you have any info on getting the hands free audio to work correctly with V7.162 software, I would be grateful if you would share it with me. thanks:
outgoing sound quality from the blue-tooth is horrible with 7.162.

My experience is that BT as well as navigation and mp3 player sound qualities were awfull with the first release of OS7. I have no problems at all with sound quality, BT or otherwise.

With version 6.525 I lose some of the features, like auto power off

There is a hack for this function to work.
My experience is that BT as well as navigation and mp3 player sound qualities were awfull with the first release of OS7. I have no problems at all with sound quality, BT or otherwise.

There is a hack for this function to work.

Tried the hack and it just locked up my 910. Took a reset and a quick plug into the computer dock to get the original ttsystem file loaded back on my 910. After I restored the ttsystem file with the original file (vise hacked file) I was able to boot again but, I had no luck with auto power off. Any suggestions?
I've got the most current firmware running and the handsfree audio still sucks. It sounds great in the car by my caller still reports lots of poor audio on their end. I don't understand how TomTom can screw the pooch so badly on what is a major function, and selling point, of the 910.
Which firmwire are you using?

I was using 7.161 when I tried it. Also just copied the file directly into the tomtom root directory via dos vise using tomtom home.

Here is what we can expect from tomtom on future audio fix:

Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Support regarding hands free audio over external audio . My name is Delores, it is my goal to provide you with an exceptional customer experience. We are always happy to help.

We do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you, at this time we do not have an estimated time frame for when the downloadable fix will be available.

We hope this information helps! If you have any further questions or comments, please email or call us at 866-486-6866 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM EST. Thanks again for writing. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way the easy way.

With Best Regards,

Delores and

The TomTom Customer Support Team

Customer (brett gardner) 12/12/2007 12:55 AM
I noticed you updated my 12/03 question with "solved" but you did not answer my question? Will there be a patch to enable hands free audio over the external audio out (blue tooth, line out, fm tranmitter? and when will that fix be released? thank you
FYI, Tech support told me that once they mark a case solved that even if you add additional comments they are not allowed to work that case again.

That's STUPID.
Temporary solution

I was fooling around with my device and was able to make the damn hands free over line-out problem work but only when using TT's FM X'mitter car dock. It didn't work with the standard car dock though. Speaker preferences for both Play instructions and music were set to FM to your car radio. I then plugged a head set to the line-out jack, called myself or my voice mail box.
720 hands free is crappy at best

Purchased 720 2 months ago,
Happy with unit but thought hands free was total garbage.
I presumed that the Tom Tom unit was just sh*#house at hands free.
Purchase another unit for my father inlaw and just for a chuckle thought i would connect my nokia N70.......
Unbelievable difference chalk and cheese!
Went back to retailer and said I had this problem and didn't know
it was just my unit.
They said I had missed the 14 day change over period
My serial numbers were m62357b07787
I thought they would change it over knowing they had a issue!!!
Unhappy Twister
South Australia
PS It has left for TomTom Australia...I get it next year sometime

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